Q&A (part 1)

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Hi, Author here.

As this book is finished I shall answer some questions  you asked me.

You're also free to ask me questions in the comment section if you did not ask me something yet and want to know something, or want to know more. I'll answer them!

Q1: Is this your first fanfiction?

A: No, it's not. I have an Astro fanfiction here that I started to write before this story. However, this story did better on the charts so I finished this one first.

Q2: How long do you stan Golden Child for?

A: I stan Golden Child since Let Me era. I knew them since debut, but I didn't stan them immediately as I'm slow with stanning groups.

Q3: Who is your Golden Child bias?

A: Many people thought Joochan or Jibeom are my biases because of this story, but my bias is actually Daeyeol. For the story-line however, I didn't feel like Daeyeol fitted the role that Joochan had now, so ultimately he became an important side character!

Q4: How did you come up with the Jibeom plot twist?

A: Haha, fun question! I love questions about the story itself. Before writing a story I tend to make a 'writing plan', where I work out all the characters and the storylines. At least, I create the basic story-line, as I always leave out blank spaces that I can change while writing if I feel like it fits better. Jibeoms plottwist was something I had created in the beginning. I wanted people to adore Jibeom and become 'team Jibeom' instead of 'team Joochan' or at least have sympathy for his character. At the same time, Jibeom needed to slowly show his true colors to the reader. It is obvious he is jealous, but that he is obsessive might not become clear at first. Based on your comments I noticed that my plan worked really well, hehe. Anyways, by making the readers adore his character, the plottwist comes more as a surprise, because the readers have formed a connection with him.

Q5: What happened with Mark?

A: Good question! As you know, Mark's character is that of a stalker. Which means he is sneaky and mysterious. So, where his character is can be everywhere. Relax though, because he knows Jaehyun is not interested in him and his friends totally have his back!

Q6: Autor-nim, where are you from?

A: I'm from the Netherlands! English is not my first language as some grammatical and spelling mistakes may give away, but I hope it didn't bother you. When I was young I used to live in indonesia (I'm ethnically not Indonesian though).

Q7: Will there be a part 2?

A: No, there will not be a part 2, but there might appear an extra chapter once in a while, so don't forget to check for updates! I also started a new Golden Child fanfiction, where Jibeom is the main character. I felt a little sorry for giving him a villian character so hopefully this story will make up for it!

I hope my dear readers and followers have enjoyed this story. You may always leave comments or dm me if you want to know something or just want to talk to me!


~ Author

Seduce Me {GNCD (Golden Child) Joochan}Where stories live. Discover now