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I sat on my usual seat, trying to focus on the work my teacher gave me, but I couldn't concentrate for the slightest bit. I tried to write down some calculations but none of them corresponded with the answers the teacher wrote down. I sighed a countless amount of times and as soon as the bell rang I walked away towards the other side of the cafeteria, since I didn't want to face any people I knew right now. I just wanted to be alone and think.

I sat down on a bench and started eating my fried rice when someone sat next to me. I was a bit suprised by the person who did, because I never really spoke to him. It was Daeyeol. He looked at me with a confused look and was clearly about to ask me something. 

"Hey," he said a bit awkwardly, "Why are you here? You don't follow classes here do you?" He asked carefully and I nodded while staring at my lunchbox. "I don't," I admitted and quickly gave him a look. "I know we've never talked and I don't want to bother you, but you seem a bit down. If it's about Joochan or something I'll tell him to be nicer to you," He gave me a soft smile and I smiled back a bit hastily. "It's not that," I waved my hands but then looked down, "Well, it kinda is. Actually I don't know." I told him and I didn't know why I was going to tell him how I felt, but I guess talking to an outsider felt a bit more safe.

"It's just that, ever since I started interacting with Joochan, Jibeom's been acting differently. And everytime I'm around Jibeom, Joochan looks at him with disgust. I don't understand guys, but I have the feeling there's something I'm missing..." I explained and held my hand on my heart, "I guess that's what holds me back to liking either of them. I feel like they hide something I can't discover." 

Daeyeol nodded and turned around with a serious look on his face. "I guess you might have sensed that correctly," he confirmed and he looked at me with compassion. "I also understand you feel uncomfortable around both of them now, because when I was befriending Joochan I felt exactly the same. It was like you're playing chess and the oponent is always one step ahead of you. Both of them, actually." Daeyeol told me and I was surprised about his manner of speaking. I had not thought that he was someone that held deep conversations like this with strangers. Maybe Daeyeol wasn't as bad as people were saying.

"That's exactly how I'm feeling. They both make me feel comfortable, but as much uncomfortable at the same time." I chuckled a bit and Daeyeol did too. "But wait," I said, "You said that, I sensed something right? Does that mean there's something more going on between them?" I wondered and looked at Daeyeol with desperate eyes, because I was eager to know as much a possible.

"Well, it's not that easy. It's just that both of them try to hide it at all cost. I don't think they will appreciate if if I told you. In fact, it might be their checkmate." Daeyeol admitted and looked a bit guilty, since he probably didn't want to let me down either. "Although, I do think you deserve to know. After all, how much they can deny it, they do have a lot in common. For instance, wanting to take care of you." Daeyeol told me as he moved a bit closer to me.

"If I tell you," he paused, "I trust you to not act any different because of it. It will be hard, but, you need to. Because they won't like it if you knew. In fact, they want to hide it especially from you." Daeyeols words made more and more curious, so much that I was sitting close to him.

I moved towards him too, and at the moment Daeyeol wanted to tell me, I felt someone pulling me away from him.

"What do you think you're doing?" It was a familiar voice. Joochan and Jibeom both looked at Daeyeol angrily. Daeyeol whitened and shrinked when he saw them and I did the same. From a distance the small space between me and Daeyeol might've looked weird.

"He didn't do anything," I immediately said, "He was just about to tell me an embarassing toilet story, jeez." I stood up and walked away while dragging Joochan with me, who stood beside me.

"Joochan," I said, "could you... please stay away from me?" I asked him, "It's not because I don't like you, but it's because the two of you make it so hard for me to breathe." 

"Fine," Joochan said, 

"I will wait for you, I've been doing that for a long time anyways." 

Seduce Me {GNCD (Golden Child) Joochan}Where stories live. Discover now