Oh No

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Bad was a bit shocked with his own words he’d just let himself say. Their conversation bounced around in his head, and rattled his heart in his chest as he murmured his answer softly. He could barely believe what was happening in the moment, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to. He didn’t want to lose Skeppy, not again, not now. Never again, not if he had a say in it at least. He pulled Skeppy close in for another hug this time, nuzzling into his shoulder, and he let his eyes close as he took a breath before continuing.

“I wanted to tell you, but I’ve been scared too.” He admitted softly.

The tanned boy began to pet his hair lightly, resting his head against the demon’s as he was quiet for a long time, before chuckling quietly, “Seems were both disasters with feelings.”

He couldn’t help the quiet giggle and nodded a little, “Yeah, yeah we both are.”

They finally separated from the hug, and Skeppy restarted the engine after both of them were buckled and pulled back out onto the road, and as he got up to speed, the thick cloud covering above them finally started to release its torrent, giving a gentle soothing white noise to the car and radio which sang softly from the old speakers. It seemed as if the universe was determined to play with both of their heartstrings as Halo listened to the gentle lyrics that floated from the machine.

Oh, don't leave me here alone

Don't tell me that we've grown

For having loved a little while

Oh, I don't wanna be alone

I wanna find a home

And I wanna share it with you

The soft melody seemed to echo his own emotions, and he closed his eyes, leaning his head against the window, listening to the soft music, and the pattering of rain as they drove back home. Home, it felt a bit odd to think of the human’s apartment as home, and yet it felt so fitting, so much better. He listened as a second voice joined the music, cracking an eye open to see Skeppy looking out over the road, and singing with the music.

Hello, my old heart

How have you been?

His ear flicked as he listened, it was a sweet song, the two voices, with Skeppy’s created a soothing harmony, and a comforting sound. The song, although a bit melancholic in nature and tune, also had a sense of belonging and warmth behind it.

How is it being locked away?

Don't you worry, in there you're safe. 

He smiled slightly, as he let his eyes close again as he listened, and started to doze in the car. Next thing he knew, the engine to the small car was being shut off, and the radio fizzled out as the downpour echoed off the metallic roof of the vehicle. He yawned and arched his back, stretching, before shaking the sleepiness away the best he could. The world around them was soaked and gray. A dreary sight, but in Halo’s eyes it was absolutely beautiful. He wasn’t sure he’d ever stop loving rainstorms, he’d been afraid of rivers and water after his death for so long, but rain? Rain was different, it was safe, it was natural, and it was indifferent. Skeppy was running for the awning of the building as the two exited the car, whereas Bad took his time, holding his hands out to the rain.

The clear cool drops plopped down on him and his dark jacket, drenching him, his hair, and his clothes, yet he grinned his little fanged smile nonetheless. Despite the chill of the fall wind, he was warm and happy. Skeppy was calling him over, waving for Bad to join him under the awning. He padded his way over, if he wasn’t in his human looks at the moment, his tail would undoubtedly be wagging behind him.

As the pair stood in the entry hall of the building, one mostly dry, and the other soaking wet, the tanned human giggled. Bad was soaked head to toe in rainwater. Water dripped from his hair, nose, and eyelashes. Clinging to his clothing and his glasses. Bad shook his hair a bit with a laugh as little wet droplets were flung off of him. Bad got himself mostly dry (which really just meant when he walked he wasn’t causing puddles) the two were standing in the lobby, waiting for the elevator when a voice caused both of them to stop.

“Darryl Noveschosch.” Bad whipped around hearing his full birth name, bristling. There were only a handful of people who would know that name.

A tall man was standing mere feet away from them, he was blond, and his shaggy shoulder length hair was tucked inside of a bright green hoodie that the boy was wearing. His eyes were a rich sickly green, although one was pale and faded, and made Bad freeze where he was standing. The seeming stranger was unarmed, but he was terrifying nonetheless.

His skin was pale, and mottled with freckles, a pair of long scars ran across his face, above his left eye, and across his nose, stopping on his cheek. As well as a smaller one that ran up his lip from his chin. He frowned and Skeppy whispered at his side.

“Who is he talking to?”

Bad couldn’t even move his gaze, “. . .He’s talking to me."

So sorry for the long gap in uploads! I've been really busy, anyways I know this one is short but I've got fun plans now :) Also to those of you who basically said "this is too wholesome for too long what are you doing?" Are in for a treat :)

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