Some Things Are Best Left Forgotten

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Skeppy sighed as he walked home, the rain had gone from a downpour to a light drizzle, and puddles had formed in the sidewalk deformations. A few other students milled around the campus, but due to the seemingly dreary weather, it was mostly empty. His mind was still lingering on his encounter with Eret earlier, he had never seen the other be so cold and closed off before, and he had sounded so upset. He shifted his small umbrella above him causing water to spatter down in front of him and he smiled. Despite the gray and damp weather, having seen Halo become so excited, so amazed about something that most people hated, it had changed his own view on the rain. He found it nice, and calming as he trekked home.

He came home and opened the door which was unlocked and greeted Halo. "Hey buddy! I'm home."

He was suddenly tackled and stumbled backwards as the demon pulled him into a warm hug. Bad had wrapped his arms around Skeppy and nuzzled against him. The demon was surprisingly warm and comforting despite the surprise attack of hugs. Skeppy stumbled backwards for a second, but hesitantly returned the hug, he wasn't normally one for physical contact, but for some reason. . .Bad's hugs didn't bother him. The other pulled away, he was in his human appearance at the moment, but his smile still had its little fangs, and his green eyes shone brightly.

"You're home!" He squeaked happily before finally pulling away from the hug.

Skeppy patted his back, and set down his bag by the door with his damp umbrella. The window was still opened, and he could hear the rain pattering outside, and as he was putting his things away he looked at his buddy. He noticed the chair was also still in place, but this time scooted closer to the window.

"Have you been at the window all day?"

"Maybe." Halo admitted sheepishly and looked away embarrassed.

Skeppy shook his head with a laugh and he flicked on the lights, "Dude, it's pitch black in here, turn on some lights. You're not a vampire." He said it jokingly, but saw the demon tense. So he dropped it and corrected himself, "Just, I can barely see anything."

Halo gave a small smile again, "Sorry I forget humans can't see in the dark."

"You can see in the dark?!"

"Yeah . . . ?"

"That's so awesome!" Skeppy looked back at him, "So like, can you just see even with no light?"

"Pretty much yeah, the Nether doesn't have a lot of natural light."

Skeppy paused a bit as he walked into the kitchen getting a snack for himself, he had almost forgotten that he was from the Nether, Bad just . . . didn't fit what he knew about demons, both in looks, personality, and behavior. He went and grabbed the old book from his bag and gestured for Bad to come over to the table and sit. When they were facing across from one another he flipped to the marked page, and quickly pushed the book to the other boy, who looked at him confused.

"Do you speak this language?" He tapped the pasted in letter, and he watched as Bad's green eyes flicked between the human, and the book with confusion.

"Where did you get this?" He sounded more confused, unlike Eret's accusation of a question earlier today.

"My mom, anyways, do you understand it or not?"

"This is written in Galactic." Bad spoke slowly, looking over the page, "This was handwritten by. . ."

Skeppy felt like he was on the edge of his seat, and he watched as Bad mouthed the words written down, Skeppy was no lip reader, but he also could tell that they weren't English. He leaned forward, closer to the blond, holding his breath.

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