It Won't Stay Buried

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Skeppy panted softly as he ran to catch his class before he’d be marked tardy. . .again. He stumbled into History and plopped into his seat next to Eret. The dark haired student gave him a side glance and a hesitant smile. He returned it and easily fell into the routine of work as they put the finishing touches on their large board presentation. Although he now knew Eret was a demon, and his whole world had been thrown into disarray, he was oddly calm about it. Although, granted, he probably didn’t know the depth of the quicksand he’d just run into, but, he was careful and content with what he was starting to learn. Class seemed to fly by in a breeze, and it's time consumption was added to with his questions.

His brain was a clogged sink with someone running the tap of curiosity into the overflowing basin. He could barely keep his focus on his assignment for more than a few beats at a time, mind constantly wandering back to the demon in his apartment, why had he looked like that? Why haven’t I seen him look like that before? Why did he lie to me? Why why why. But of course no answers ever came for him, and as he slung his bag over his shoulder and made his way out into the hallway, he was stopped and pulled aside by Finn and Tubbo.

Finn was less of a surprise than Tubbo, although he frowned seeing the two boys together as he looked between the two, who had pulled him from the flow of student traffic and into a small adjacent corridor. Skeppy crossed his arms as he looked at the two. He may have expected Finn to join him in a walk, or to ask him about what was going on after his adverse nature to the demon. But Tubbo? He was a wild card, and he didn’t know why the two would be together and stop him. So he figured he’d ask.

“What’s this all about?”

Finn rested a hand on his shoulder, “Skeppy, where is it?”

“Where’s what?”

“You know . . . that thing.” Finn glanced around, although nobody seemed to pay heed to the trio, “Tubbo said you took him here yesterday, what the hell were you thinking?!”

He was floored, made speechless, so he looked now to the short brunette, who for once wasn’t accompanied by Tommy, and Tubbo sighed softly. Grabbing a small corded necklace that was tucked into his shirt and producing the wooden polished medallion. He recognized the symbols, they were the same as the galactic language in the book, the language of demons. He quickly put two and two together, but sadly only added to three.

“Tubbo you’re a demon?” Skeppy asked bewildered.

Finn scoffed, “No dumbass. He’s a co-worker.”


Tubbo shifted a bit awkwardly, clearly not used to being the spotlight of attention, “Finn is part of my team. We’re hunters. . .demon hunters. He alerted me to the danger of another potential demon on the campus, but I wasn’t sure who until yesterday.”

Skeppy couldn’t help but feel betrayed, “You ratted me out?” He turned to face his friend.

Finn sighed softly and shook his head, “No, I was just careful, look Skeppy, I get it. You’re excited because this is something you’ve wanted to know for so long, and what you’ve spent years being invested in. But. . these things,these demons? They’re dangerous, unstable, and they pose a threat. There are a few that work with us, but Halo? He isn’t one of us. As long as he’s alone and unchecked, he’s a danger to us all.”

“He isn’t a danger. Then. . .who is? Who does work with you two if they’re so much better than him?”

“Fundy works as an informant, loosely, and the same with Eret. There’s not very many that are nearby enough to interact with.” Tubbo answered.

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