Come Close My Eyes

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Skeppy clung to Bad like his life depended upon it. Moments ago it had, but either way he could feel the cool rain pattering against his hoodie and his hair, he had his face buried against the demon’s chest. He was breathing hard, and judging by the trembling form he was holding, Bad wasn’t much better off either. He closed his eyes, taking greedy gulps of fresh air. The air was cool, and gentle, humid and filled his lungs with life. It was as if he was breathing for the first time, and never before had he been so grateful for oxygen in his deprived body.

Somewhere behind him he could hear the small ribbon of water his home called a river. It rippled and babbled over stones as it traveled along it’s bed. The rain created a soft white noise all around him, the falling diamonds of the sky pattering leaves, dirt, water, and him. The cold seeped into his skin, leeching the warmth that had plagued him for what felt like days, slowly suffocating him in the Nether.

It felt like hours that the two of them sat there alone by the water. Although realistically it was probably only a few minutes. As Skeppy leaned against him and closed his eyes, he could feel gentle hands brushing hair from his face, another arm wrapped around him, supporting the smaller human. After a bit, he sighed contentedly, he liked being with Bad, staying in his lap, being comforted by the demon. So he spoke quietly.

“For being a demon a lot of you guys are awfully nice.”

Bad hummed and chuckled softly, “I’m glad you think that. Although demons as you humans describe it isn’t quite right.”

Skeppy looked up at him, cocking his head as a silent question.

“Like it was mentioned before, we, the dark creators, are protectors of humans. We are what could be called guardian angels I suppose in many ways. But a lot of us aren’t necessarily good people. That thing that you saw, we call them the Lights. They are people who supposedly lived perfect lives and were ‘angels’. But that doesn’t mean they are good, nor bad. It’s complicated.” Bad explained.

“Well then I don’t want to keep using my brain, I want to sit here with you.”

Bad laughed softly and held him a bit closer, “You say that like I’m some perfect soul.”

Skeppy just shrugged beneath the hug, “What you did in the past doesn’t matter. You just risked your ass for me, you saved my life!”

Bad gently bapped his shoulder, but there was no scolding this time around. They stayed like that for several long minutes, before Bad sighed, “We should probably get out of the rain.”

Skeppy just nodded but made no move to get up, instead hugging around the demon’s chest tighter, and nuzzling against him. Despite having just escaped the stifling heat of the Nether, the warmth from Bad’s unnaturally warm skin wasa comforting. It was like a heated blanket in the midst of a snowstorm. Bad shifted a little, and somehow managed to stand up, giggling quietly at the human.

Skeppy just wrapped his legs around Bad’s waist and rested his head against his cloaked shoulder. Draping himself over Bad and clinging to him like a koala. The tanned human had just gotten his demon boi back and he wasn’t about to let him go anytime soon. He hadn’t realized how much he cared about Bad, how deeply he’d fallen for him until it had all been ripped away.

He’d had someone who cared about him right beside him, and sure they had exchanged feelings once, but that was well over a week ago now and nothing had come of it. Although being abducted into another dimension tends to put a hold on relationships. But it had been snatched from his fingertips, falling away like grains of sand in a thunderous ocean. But he’d gotten him back, that’s what mattered most, and he wasn’t going to lose him again.

The two of them made it back inside his apartment, soaking wet, cold, and with a healthy dose of fresh trauma. Once inside Bad attempted to put Skeppy down, but the boy refused, balling up the black fabric in his hands and whining wordlessly. The demon had simply laughed quietly and gingerly pried him off.

He instructed Skeppy to change into fresh clothing, both because he was sopping wet, but also it was the same clothes from four days ago now. He reluctantly agreed, changing hurriedly, and as Bad shifted to his more mild natural form, he had taken one of Skeppy’s oversized hoodies, and a pair of jeans that Eret had loaned, changing in the bathroom.

When the demon boy emerged, his previously damp hair a fluffy mess, and his skin was already dry. Skeppy had to towel himself off, but now a little worse for wear they were out of the rain, the Nether, danger, and the cold. They were both safe.

During the few minutes that they had been separated Skeppy had steeled himself and decided on perhaps some brash actions, but he was determined. Plus he refused to let his logic brain talk him out of it.

Bad emerged, tail flicking a little behind himself as he looked around, finding Skeppy a few feet away on his gaming chair, who hopped up seeing Bad. Discarding his phone he grinned cheekily.

“Bad! Bad, I have something to show you!” He exclaimed excitedly.

Said demon cocked his head, pointed ears twitching like a confused puppy who’s name had been called. Skeppy stepped closer, and took a breath.

“What is it Geppy?” Bad asked and straightened his tilted head.

“This.” He stepped forward, closing the gap between them.

Bad looked incredibly confused and lost, brow furrowed as he tried to make sense of the human’s vagueness.

Now or never Skeppy. He instructed himself, and put a hand on Bad’s shoulder and one on his chest where he grabbed some of the soft fabric, pulling him down carefully so they were eye level. Before Bad could ask another question, and before Skeppy’s nerves got the better of him, he closed the gap between them, his own soft lips meeting Halo’s.

This is for all the angst :)
Also we're on the home stretch y'all, I cannot believe the amount of support this story has gotten, I'm absolutely blown away all the time. I don't always have time to reply to everyone but I do read every single comment <3
Thank you for giving me a reason to keep writing, smiling, and sticking to this project.

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