Drunk On Anger

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Content Warning ⚠️⚠️
Gore the start and end are highlighted in bold so you can skip it without missing much story wise

Some years ago

When Bad had been told he'd be traveling to the surface, and being ordained as a Guardian he had been absolutely ecstatic. He would be able to help someone! Protect them from the cruelest of beings and punishments. The month between when he first received the news, and when he was actually given an assignment had felt agonizingly long. He had lived for around 200 years and yet that was certainly the longest month ever.

When he had gotten the case file, he'd been unable to sit still. Then it was a blur of memories from when he was preparing, and to when he first saw his kid.

Zachary Ahmed was his name, he had been assigned to the younger boy, and he'd watched from the shadows. An invisible protector over the other. At first, he couldn't fathom why this one had been marked as a difficult assignment. Why so many had passed it on by. He seemed happy, his mother, Millie, was a kind soul, but this idealistic environment was shattered within a few hours.

The smell of alcohol had hit him first. It was a wretched and nauseating level of drunkenness that only severe drunkards could hope you achieve. His form was misty and invisible in the shadows. But his non existent nose wrinkled as he recoiled from the scent.

The next thing the could clearly remember was the abuse. Humans may have called Halo a monster, but that man was the very essence of evil. Repeatedly bringing his hand down upon the young boy until his nose was bloodied, or he'd knocked a tooth out. Sometimes Zak would lay limply on the floor just to stop the attacks.

It made his heart twist and clench. So, breaking too many rules to count, he'd step in from time to time. One night, he still distinctly remembered, picking up the malnourished injured boy. Cradling him like a mother with her infant until Zak slipped into sleep. He cared so much for the one he needed to protect. So, when that bastard had attacked Zak, breaking his arm, leaving him unconscious, and then moved to his wife. It truly was the straw that broke the camels back.

Bad wasn't violent by nature. He hated harming others most of the time. It took a lot to piss him off, and even more for him to take malevolent action. It was why he always failed, and also why he was respected by a few and far between. Yet that night something snapped. Some deep rooted instinct surged upward and like a dam with too many cracks to count, he'd broken. As soon as the so-called Father stepped outside, Bad had attacked him.

It was hazy, even in his fury, his magic fueled, hatred induced rage, he couldn't let the man suffer. Much like Dr. Bright many years ago, he'd died upon the first blow, and once again he'd been unable to control himself, his body moving of it's own accord as it repeatedly brought the axe down on the body.

It was a blur after that. Sirens and lights spooked him, reality set in and his heart sank like a lead weight in his gut. Bad ran, without direction, nor thought. He'd abandoned his post just like every other time he'd hurt someone. He couldn't confront his wrongdoings. He didn't face the consequences, at least not immediately.

Getting back into the Nether, courts were fast and angry. Revoking his guardian status, punishing him, trying to force him into obedience. They had two final actions that finally made him do what he was best at. Running.

First, the Council made him visit the Light Bounds. The place where the veil between demons and "angels" was thinnest. They had forced him to witness an execution, overseen by the Co-Council Wilbur. That beast was still stained in his mind.

For being an angel, they were terrifying.

He'd watched, petrified as it crawled over the landscape. Effortlessly bringing itself around trees and down the hill. It's body faintly may have resembled human once upon a time, but now it's sunken skin, gaunt silhouette, and unnaturally long limbs were a far cry from human.

He'd been forced to watch as it unfurled itself to be impossibly large, much bigger than Bad, who in his true form stood a little shy of 10 feet tall. The Lights joints had clicked and cracked with every motion. It's face was smooth and featureless, deep glowing gashes where and expression may have once been, a crown of horns jutted out from it's skull. Odd and unnatural angles all supporting the glowing halo that looked like it was made of barbed wire turned into pure light. The body was nothing but skin and bones. Overstretched and sallowed skin clung to a rib cage that was several bones too many, and it's stomach was impossibly shrunken. Hips jutting out sharply as it crawled unnaturally to the poor victim. It's heart - more like a glowing core shuddered as it breathed, how or where it breathed from was anyone's guess.

Clearly they were capable of being bipedal, clawed feet digging into the blue and silver dirt. Fingers too long and knobbly for it's hand flexed as it circled the imprisoned demon, who was tied to a tree. Eyes flicked wildly from where they lay in it's neck, unfocused and yet focused on everything at once. Moving independently from it's rotten brain.

In a loud, terrifying scream that sounded like radio static, a terrified wail, and the shrieking of dying animals all at one, it's wings flared out. White feathers bristling as eyes dotted were downy feathers may have once been.

(Graphic Content Warning - Gore)

Bad wanted to turn away, he really, really wanted to. The creature alone was enough to petrify him, but his body would not obey. His muscles frozen in stasis as he looked on in horror. The Lights face split open down the center, as if someone has stuck the left and right side together as it shrieked again.

It lunged forward as it began to eat the suffering demon. Thousands of needle sharp teeth tore into flesh and bone, the sounds of meat tearing and bones breaking was deafening. The tied demon begged, pleading for his life, writhing and fighting his binds as he was eaten alive. Until he was nothing more than slick crimson on wood and a few scraps of entrails.

(End Of Content Warning)

Bad didn't know how long the poor guy suffered there, but the Light retreated once it had finished it's meal. He could hear the blood pounding in his own ears, deafening the voices around him for hours as his brain struggled to process what he'd just witnessed.

The second leads to the present day, of a human he had refused to 'take care of' as they had put it. Bad mulled over these thoughts as he sat in Skeppy's apartment. He had very few friends from the Nether who could possibly help, and he wasn't willing to drag others into this either.

He had remembered where the spare key was, and let himself into the small home, it felt cold and dark without the human here. He'd also managed to find Skep's phone, charging on his nightstand.

The only other option he could think of wasn't a pretty one, but it was the only one he had. So he unlocked the phone with some struggle (even without a password, technology was not his strong suit) and called the first person he knew.

A state away, Johnathan's phone rang with a call from his grandson.

Heyyyy! I wanna start with a huge huge thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the support. It blows me away every single time. I and still shocked I get over 100 reads on my small shit. We are over 500 votes!!! Which is huge! We're making it to the big leagues baby!!!!!

Anyways enough of me gushing my love for y'all, got any theories? Ideas? (Idk why people keep thinking Dr. Bright was Skep's dad lmao his dad is Jebediah)

Also I have concept art for the Lights, would you guys like to see an Author's Note with the concept sketch?

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