Little Talks

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Bad's face couldn't have been more shocked as he looked to the newcomer. To say he was stunned would've been an understatement. Quackity, Eret, and Fundy were directly next to and flanking the ravenette. Behind him were four others, one who he realized was Philza, and two others whose name escaped him but he was pretty sure one of them had the nickname grain, and the other was freakishly tall who he faintly remembered was a new turner during his trials. The fourth he didn't know.

Schlatt narrowed his eyes at the smaller demon and pushed the blade away gently from his throat as he turned to face the others, "And what makes you think I'll listen to defiant pathetic worms?"

Eret and Fundy had moved behind Schlatt, separating Dream and the ram, as well as Bad and Skeppy from the other two demons. Philza and Grain had his wings spread to blockade the way back to the castle, and Quackity just grinned, looking to his superior.

"I don't expect you to listen, but I don't think you want to die just yet Schlatt." Big Q sneered, his scarred lip curling and revealing a double pair of fangs as his small wings flared behind him, the yellow standing out like a golden sun in the thick red and muddy colors of the fortress and Nether. "So I suggest you let these two go."

Schlatt snarled lowly, bristling, "I'm not making some bargain with you Quackity." He spat.

"You don't have to." He hummed easily, raising the glittering red and black checkered sword, a pixelated smile carved into the side of the blade, "You just have to listen to us, or listen to that."

There was a hideous shrieking noise as Schlatt took a step back from the sword, and every last hair on Bad's head stood on end as he bristled. He'd only ever heard that sound once, one time, and yet he would never forget it. The image of those glowing slits, it's crown of thorns that glowed with a brilliant blue magic, the core in its chasm of a chest that pulsed with every wheezing nightmarish breath it took. Skeppy tensed beneath him as well, leaning into Bad almost instinctively.

"You wouldn't lure one here." Schlatt countered, "It'll kill us all!"

Quackity laughed pressing the blade back as Schlatt started to move away from the couple and Dream, "Would I? You think I'm stupid enough to lead one of the scavenging infants here?" The latino skinned demon scoffed, "No, you deserve one that knows what it's doing."

Eret spoke from where he was standing, in his hands was a large sparking pink like scythe. He held it out protectively, shielding where Skeppy was still on his knees with Bad on the ground. The scythe's hand was wrapped in a leather creating a trio of blue, purple, and pink. The white eyed demon snarled.

"You've hurt enough of us Schlatt. This is where your rule ends." His voice spoke with such finality, such certainty that even Bad, who was incredibly confused was inclined to believe it.

Dream had been cornered by Philza, grain guy, and Ranboo, the three of them preventing the green and white demon from going anywhere, although oddly enough it didn't seem like Dream was fighting them, nor trying to escape. If anything he seemed intrigued with the events playing out before them.

"You have no clue how to control those things!" Schlatt barked back.

Another hideous shriek wailed over the trees. It's a cry carrying sorrow and tormented souls, and wailing pitifully enough to rot leaves from the inside out, and freeze the burning hearts of the blazes that roamed in the Nether. Bad stiffened hackles raised as he pulled Skeppy close against himself and stood.

Bad was easily one of the tallest demons around, at least compared to the human he was now carrying in his arms, but Dream, Ranboo, Techno, the stranger, Eret and many other demons far outweighed him in the height department. But he clutched the tanned human to his chest tightly, taking a few cautious steps away. Fundy turned and nodded, backing with them, Eret remaining where they were, her scythe gripped in her hands and bristling.

As the three of them left the fortress as Schlatt continued to try and defend himself, from shouting, to insulting, to pleading, and now vicious insults. The tyrant was becoming desperate as the Light grew closer. Bad sucked in a breath as he watched the nightmarish creature breach the blue trees. It's glowing figure was massive, and illuminating enormous chunks of the forest beneath itself. Bad was tall, even for a demon, and yet the Light was a hundred fold his size.

It's smooth face glowed, slitted holes wheezing and pulsing with an invisible heartbeat as it grew closer to the fortress. The things clawed hands tore and shredded tree roots beneath itself as it's twisted legs found purchase on entire trees. The rings floating and twisting gently were twitching the eyes trained on the castle, and specifically Schlatt.

The dozens of disformed and bulging eyes widened, and the creature screamed. It screamed so loud Bad was terrified, every last ounce of blood in his body had surely been replaced with dry ice for the shivering cold that gripped him, and judging by Skeppy's trembling form, the sound and brief glances were having the same effect on the human.

This Light was bigger than any other one he'd seen before as it loomed over the castle, Quackity, and his backup, quickly moved backwards and away from it. Keeping weapons pointed at Schlatt to keep him from bolting. Its sallowed and withering form loomed over them, its stomach so shrunken it looked organless, and the wings it had were ripped and torn, nigh featherless, and bulging sickly eyes glared from its propatagium. It's chest had too many ribs, and the skin clung to it, veins sticking out and pulsing beneath the ghostly slightly translucent surface of its stretched skin.

It's seemingly seamless face split horizontally in the center freakishly wide, revealing rows upon rows of needles and saw-like teeth that spun inside its mouth. It's roar was enough to make the ground shake and a few rocks jumped in terror from the vibration. As it's mouth began to envelop Schlatt, and the screaming began Bad turned and ran for the portal Fundy had just finished making.

The two stumbled through, the portal closing behind them as Fundy waved, and they found themselves outside, on the rivertrail. The same place they'd met almost a month ago. Rain was pouring down around them, the small river bubbled by, rippling over rocks, and the grass was soaked beneath them. The trees did little to shield the downpour, and a heavy fog had started to roll in from the storm. The two of them sat together like that, beneath the quaking aspen trees, just holding each other and trembling against one another whilst the rain soaked them both. 

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