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Brief Content Warning: suicide mentioned/described

Skeppy sighed softly as he slowly woke up. It was Saturday, and he was sleeping in, his hazy mind prompted him that he needed to be somewhere, but he pushed it away and ignored it as he rolled over in bed, arm reaching out for something. . . .wait, what was he doing? Some pang struck him as he found the comforter next to him cold and empty. It had only been once, and it frankly had been an accident that Halo and him shared a bed, but still. Ever since then he felt like something was missing. Someone.

He didn’t want to admit it, not because he didn’t recognize the feeling, didn’t realize just how twisted his heart was, but because he was scared. A part of him wanted to pull the demon into his arms, hug him close, and melt into his embrace. Into his warm arms, and losing himself while just sitting with him, he wanted to satiate the butterflies and warmth that bloomed in his chest with every giggle, and he desperately wanted something from Halo. No, not something, he wanted his feelings to be requited. He wanted to gently cup his face, and look up at him, and pull his collar down and -

No. This was wrong, Bad deserves more than me.

His chest ached with a loneliness he thought he wouldn’t feel again after his first relationship, his first break up. Maybe that’s why he was so afraid to open his mouth, to let those three words tumble out, he already had, but it felt bitter. Like bile on his tongue, words that were tainted with cyanide and burned on their way out. Slowly he closed his eyes and curled his fingers around the cold duvet, sighing softly.

He was afraid to lose Halo. He had grown so close with the other, he didn’t want to just throw this relationship down the drain. Yesterday felt awkward, like some fever dream, Halo was definitely the kind of person to just platonically say I love you. Those cursed words, those oh, so blessed words. But most of all, he was afraid of those feelings being returned. He didn’t want to put the demon into harm's way just because of feelings. He didn’t want to drag Halo down into the mess of his life, of his past.

With a slow sigh, and reluctantly opening his eyes, he started to wake up.

Carefully he walked out to the kitchen, the original plan had been to sleep in, but that was scrapped as the coffee pot whirred to life it’s quiet hum filling the silence of the seven am morning. With the cold setting in, the sun was slow to rise.

Why am I up before the sun? He thought grumpily, Oh yeah because of my stupid feelings.

He glanced towards the dingy couch that Halo was asleep on. He was curled up, face peaceful and calm. A tiny sleepy smile on his cheeks, and occasionally his tail tip twitched with his fingers as he slept. He swallowed thickly and looked away, shaking off his suddenly pounding heart, and instead decided to waste his brain on social media.
A few hours passed, and he was sitting at the table, with a reheated mug of coffee in his hands, absently scrolling through his feed and timeline, just trying to burn time, and take his mind off of Halo, off of today and the planned lunch. The two of them could very well be walking straight into a trap, into their doom, where he may lose Bad forever, never seeing him again, never truly confessing. No, he wasn’t about to let himself think like that, he was no negative nancy, and he wasn’t going to let emotions guide him this time.

A quiet yawn and squeak came from the boy on the couch as he awoke, stretching and arching his back like a cat as his tail curled and uncurled before slowly sitting up. He blinked sleepily, brushing some gray sooty hair from his face, before smiling from seeing Skeppy. He pulled the blanket off and hopped to his feet, and the two began their ever growingly familiar routine.

Bad would join him, having a cup of coffee with him, and they’d make some light chat, then Skeppy would go and get dressed and Bad would brush through his hair before trailing him like a lost puppy. However, instead of class cutting them off from one another, today was lunch. Skeppy glanced at the clock, they should get going about now if they wanted to make it in time.

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