Hello My Old Heart

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Skeppy frowned slightly as he watched Halo, who was just staring down at the book and note. The demon was just staring down, his fingers twitched and his hands were trembling. Skeppy leaned forward, putting a tanned hand on the boy, who froze and his shoulders were trembling, a few choked sobs escaping him.

"Halo?" He asked gently, trying to pull him back to reality, "Hey, hey I'm right here buddy."

Halo slowly looked up, his pale eyes were brimming with tears as he looked up and sniffled slightly. His lip trembled a bit, but no words came out, and he shook his head, pulling his hands away and into his lap. He rubbed his eyes, which faded back to green and adjusted his glasses.

"I- I'm sorry Skeppy.. . .I need a minute."

He had a feeling the demon probably would be better talking about it, sharing whatever trauma was plaguing him and his memories, but he also had only known Halo for a few days at this point, and didn't want to cross any boundaries before they could even be set. He reluctantly let the demon leave, who just walked into the living room, and put his head in his hands.


Nearly two weeks had passed since he first met his demon friend Halo. He was currently back at school, which he at first had been nervous to return to knowing one of his own classmates was probably a demon, and if Eret was one, who knows who else could be another unworldly being hiding away in human skin.

That sounded creepy.

He was sitting in an English class, only half paying attention to the lecture and explanation of the book they were supposed to be reading, Heart of Darkness , which personally he couldn't care less about. His mind wandered from the lesson, and he found himself thinking about the little demon boy back at his apartment. His headspace was completely distracted in a matter of moments.

How he had freckles, even as a little sooty demon, and they covered his nose like a smattering of color, and how even when he wouldn't need them, he'd wear the red and brown glasses, which when he grinned, or tilted his head, would fall crooked on his face. He found himself doodling the boy in the margins of his notes, and along the sides of his notebooks. His little rounded horns and tail that would wag with his laughter, or droop. It was honestly amazing the amount of expression he had with something that was so simple. He couldn't help but smile to himself as his mind replayed his quiet giggle when he was sheepish to find something funny, or how he'd laugh with Skeppy once he started to understand television.

Or how about his fascination with the modern world, it was child-like and pure, and he would sit excitedly and listen as Skeppy would explain things that to him were so minute and simple, like microwaves, smart phones, and his favorite thing; video games. Bad had easily become engrossed in just about every video game that wasn't violent, and seemed to adore simple idle task style games.

Of course, he only thought this much about the other, because he was a demon and new, surely right? I mean, if you found something new like that surely it would occupy your mind for several hours. Surely, surely it was just that, and nothing else. It wasn't an adoration for him, and it most certainly was not a crush.

Something sharp jabbed his leg and he was rather rudely jerked back to reality. He glared at the boy sitting next to him, who had kicked him for some unknown reason. It was his friend, Fundy, who he had known for several months by now. The boy was dressed a bit overly nicely for school, wearing a semi fancy style coat, and wore a hat almost always. He also had fiery orange hair that Skeppy figured was dyed, but the color had never changed or faded in the time he had known the other. Fundy jerked his head to the teacher, who was sitting with folded arms and frowning at him.

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