Soft, Warm, and Safe

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Bad stared in shock as the human pulled him close into a kiss. He made a startled squeak of a noise, and Skeppy quickly retreated, suddenly flustered. The two stared at each other for an awkward moment, before Skeppy cleared his throat.

“Uh.. sorry.” He mumbled.

“Why?” Bad asked softly, grabbing one of his hands, giggling softly.

“Cuz I didn’t really ask.” Skeppy had looked to the floor, the laugh confused him.

“You muffin.” He cooed quietly and pulled him into a tight hug.

Their height difference meant that he could hold Skeppy in his arms, and that  the said human could bury his face against the demon’s chest. He held him for a comfy moment, before breaking it by speaking again finally.

“I didn’t mind it.” Bad admitted quietly and a little sheepishly.

Skeppy looked up at him, perhaps studying his face for any sort of lies or if he was kidding. Of course there was none since he wasn’t lying nor faking it.

His face went pink, and he looked up at the other, “So could I have another?”

He leaned up for another gentle kiss, and this time, Bad closed the gap between them. A gentle tanned hand held his waist, the other gingerly cupping his face, as if letting go would mean letting go forever. Internally a part of him was screaming and excitedly jumping around at the affection. At finally getting to be open and vulnerable to the other, and still being loved.

They parted, and were quiet for another moment, although it wasn’t awkward or uncomfortable. Quite the opposite in fact, with their foreheads leaned together Bad felt safe. He felt wanted, and loved. His heart thumped in his chest with a mix of joy, and the soft warmth of love and compassion. For Skeppy, he felt cared about, wanted and needed, and he adored it. Almost as much as he adored Bad. The arms around him were loving, welcoming and inviting. A partner who would happily hold you, who would openly cuddle you when you felt touch starved, or would snuggle you close and soothe the day’s aches away.

It was two notes of an unheard melody. Unheard, yet not unfelt. Alone they were nice, and they were still music, they were content thinking they were alone, and that was the best it would ever be. But once you play the harmony, you can’t ever unhear it, you can’t bear to split the melody again once it was made right. Skeppy and Bad were not made whole, as you’re still a person, it isn’t another half to complete you. No, it is another person who can make you the best you can be, and to bring you comfort, joy, warmth and care. This does not mean without them you are broken, but it means without them you feel hollow and yearn for them.

Neither of them knew how long they stood there like that, it could’ve been a mere few moments, fleeting seconds in the march of time. Or it could’ve been well over an hour in each other’s embrace, when Skeppy’s phone rang, he reluctantly looked around for it. Peeling himself off of the demon, who still trailed him as he looked for the offending device while stifling a few giggles.

He found it, and unlocked it to a myriad of notifications and alerts. He groaned quietly, and Bad was at his side in an instant. Well really more like he was close, coming closer and put a hand on him since the other had been hovering around him after losing his cuddle buddy. He flopped down on the couch with a huff. Bad gave him a pout and sat beside him.

“What’s the sad puppy face for?” He teased lightly, a warm smile.

“Because your weird foam thing is being annoying.” He said with a huff.

“Phone,” Skeppy snorted, and shook his head, “You big baby.”

Bad whined quietly, “I am not a baby!” His voice was indignant, his pout deepening.

Skeppy laughed again, and leaned into Bad as he looked over everything he’d missed over the last three or four days, he wasn’t quite sure honestly. There were texts from Spifey and Finn, as well as one from Eret about missing the presentation date for their project. So the human spent a little while scrolling through his phone and answering missed texts. At some point Bad had pulled him into the demon’s lap, which made both of them giggle.

“You’re a cuddle bug.”

Bad pouted a little, but didn’t deny it, “You’re small and easy to cuddle.”

“I am not small!”

“Just a little small.” Bad grinned cheekily, causing Skeppy to pout.

He was comfily snuggled into his tall demon boi for a while, occasionally giggling with one another as they just took it easy. Skeppy had quite literally been to hell and back, and in his opinion, he deserved a bit of a break from the chaos of the world. His eyes eventually drift shut within the safety of the other’s arms and comfort of his warmth.

Bad was always unnaturally warm, not in a hot or feverish way, but relaxing. He rather liked it, it made his hugs warmer and right now it lulled him into sleep. He assumed it was probably from being from the Nether, maybe that’s how they survived and easily tolerated that overwhelming heat staunching all oxygen. As he drifted off he could hear the pattering rain of the start of a storm. The storm created a gentle white noise to everything.

He wasn’t sure exactly when or how, but he fell asleep against the demon, a low vibration soothing him. Somewhere his still functioning brain realized Bad was purring, but he was asleep before he could say or think anymore on the matter.

He also could probably use a shower when he woke up.

Hello all new folks!! Sorry these later chapters have been a bit shorter but I've just not had the time for the long ones, nor motivation. I think almost daily updates at the peak of this burned me out haha, anyways, question for y'all:
1) Would you like to see the structure of demons I have written out? Like government, punishment, life, families etc?
2) Have any of you guys ever said anything about this fic to another person? Boost my ego /j
Hope you guys all have days as amazing as you are :D

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