Sleepy Letters

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Skeppy awoke to the buzzing of his phone's alarm, and the gentle pattering of rain on the apartment building. He reached over practically slapping his phone to silence it and squinted against the bright screen as he looked at the time. It was eight past two in the morning, he groaned and sat up rubbing his eyes. He sat there for a few minutes, letting himself wake up properly, even so, any surface vaguely horizontal seemed comfy enough to fall asleep on again. He forced himself out from his blankets and onto the cold floor, the apartment was silent save for the constant white noise created by the weather.

He dragged himself across the living room and into his bathroom, more zombie-like while half awake than his normally very energetic self. He yawned and as he was turning on the light to the bathroom, a figure on the window jolted him to awareness. He was startled initially by the huddled darkness in front of an open window, but sighed in relief as he realized it was simply his new friend Halo.

"You scared me there." He laughed leaning on the doorway as he spoke to the demon.

He was greeted with the reply of silence. He frowned, and raised an eyebrow in confusion, he was no expert but he tried to think back on the books he had read about demons. Well, first off Bad was already unusual for a demon, he momentarily abandoned his decision to look nice for the day, and went to his small bookshelf nightstand in his room. He skimmed over the bound titles, before finding what he was looking for. It was an older book that he found at some second hand shop, and he quickly flicked through a few of his neon colored sticky notes that he had pasted in between the yellowing pages.


He found what he was looking for and skimmed over the paragraphs printed in old and fading ink. It probably wouldn't help much, but it was the best shot he had without actually just blatantly asking the demon in his living room. Duat, Nethers, The End, and Otherworldly Creatures, A Documentation by Dr. Bright. He thumbed through the chapter marked with the orange sticky note.

Description: Color, size, and general appearance may vary, but every demon documented has loomed over seven feet tall, many hide their face, or simply do not have one. While humanoid in appearance, their skin will not be a natural color, their eyes will not have irises, usually being entirely a single uniform color. Do not attempt to touch a demon, even if they seem passive, they have claws adorned on both hands, and their own feet. These beastly creatures do not speak English, and cannot communicate with us. All attempts of communication have ended in violence, or retreating of the creature.

Intelligence: These beings are highly intelligent, they clearly do understand english, and many appear to be multilingual in both modern languages, and forgotten dead ones that are no longer spoken. They are cunning, and calculating, easily able to sense our intentions regardless of our words, or outward appearances. They rival that of any well educated human, and we must remain wary of them. Do not give them any information, we do not know what they can do with knowledge of our modern world.

These creatures have differing claims, leading to conflicting information. We have seven subjects in our current possession, and yet despite the small sample size, the information they provide seems to be unvital to their personal cares, wants, or lives. Their names we have asked all do not have a natural English Translation, but some seem to be named after items, objects, or persons of the past. Others we are still working on translating. They claim the language they speak is 'Galactic' but there are few written documentations of this language, and all subjects have refused to act as translators.

As well as their names their stories change as well. They refuse to speak of their home, their governmental system, or their abilities, even when put under harsh conditions. Two of our subjects claim that they were human, but never died. Four of our subjects claim they were human, but did die before becoming what they are now. One has refused to cooperate, and given us nothing.

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