Please Do Make A Scene

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Skeppy frowned as he looked to the stranger who was blocking the way out, and was approaching the two boys casually. Just the man’s presence was unnerving, and his face was so even, so calm, but he had an aura of danger. At Bad’s words, he shifted to be standing in front of his demon friend, putting himself protectively in front of the other. He glared upward to the blond, who was almost a foot and a bit taller.

“Who are you?” He glared upwards.

The stranger cocked his head sideways, before laughing. It was quiet and he grinned as he looked down at Skeppy, before he answered, “You may call me Dream.”

Bad was silent, and as Skeppy put an arm out slightly to block Dream from grabbing the boy behind him, he could feel the other trembling. Although he was clearly trying to hide it as he looked away from Dream and towards the ground.

Dream frowned slightly, “Look Zachary, we can do this the easy way, or you can make things messy, it’s your choice.”

It all started to click together, several weeks ago Bad had said he was on the run, as hard as it was to imagine, he was a fugitive. Although Skeppy couldn’t possibly imagine his taller demon friend being a wanted man, and yet he was. He didn’t budge though.

“Leave us alone! He’s done nothing!” Skeppy retorted, causing Dream to smile.

The man had needle-like fangs that his curled lips revealed, unlike Halo who only had the single pair, this man’s mouth looked like an animal’s. He was truly looking straight into the maw of a lion, and challenging him. Dream sneered and his poisonous gaze flicked between the tan human, and the demon he was shielding.

“Nothing?” He paused and began to walk around them, a vulture circling its prey, “Is that what he’s told you?”

Skeppy was confused, and shifted to still be a barricade between the two demons, but didn’t interrupt.

“Nothing at all.” Dream purred shaking his head, “Where shall we start Halo? Hm? How about Atticus? His suicide was your fault, or should we go with the itemized list?”

Bad flinched at the name, and Skeppy frowned, confused as Dream continued.

“You repeatedly abandoned your post, you actively refused summons, refused to participate as a judge of the Council against criminals, refused assignments as a guardian, been involved with humans, and that’s just the early stuff isn’t it? You let Xiyra die, you almost let DeVries continue now didn’t you? Do you remember that? How about George and Wilbur?” Dream laughed a little as he paced around them, leering down at the two, relishing in their inability to flee, “Maybe we should move more recent? Perhaps then you’re little pet here will understand the truth. You meddled in his affairs after all. You abandoned him as a guardian in your early years, you left him in a poor environment, you killed in an attempt to help and then fled like a coward.”

Skeppy’s brow furrowed as he turned to look at Bad who looked like he was praying for the ground to swallow him up and vanish forever, “What is he talking about Bad?”

Dream barked a laugh, “He doesn’t know? Isn’t that rich! Tell him Halo.”

A game of cat and mouse, and Skeppy had a feeling he wouldn’t win this battle of information. Bad lowered his gaze, his eyes shifting to a soft milky white as he looked away.

“What is he talking about?” He pushed again.

“I’m talking about your father Zak.”


“Your father didn’t die in an accident, there were no cars at all.” Dream cooed as he stepped closer, “No, he was murdered, by the one you’re trying to defend. He claims he cares about you, but he’s a. fucking. liar.”

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