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Skeppy felt his stomach drop, Bad wouldn’t let him die, surely he wouldn’t right? No. No no no no. Bad cared too much about him right? But - he didn’t want to become a demon either, he was Skeppy, he was human, if he lost his humanity, would he lose his friends? Would he lose school? Would Bad still care about him? Would Bad still love him?

He closed his eyes, bracing for some form of pain when a voice spoke interrupting his warring thoughts, “Surely there’s another way to solve this.”

Schlatt answered Bad simply, “You’ve been given your ways, you’ve been allowed your own rules for too long.”

Skeppy opened his eyes to see Bad stiffen slightly, the heat was getting to his brain again, burning his skin and slowing his body, choking his lungs and suffocating his mind, he wanted to focus, but it was taking every last ounce of his strength just to keep his gaze steady on the black demon before him.

“He’s just a human.” Bad argued.

“A human you care about.” He couldn’t see Schlatt’s face as his arms were twisted behind him, but he could hear the smirk.

“He’s done nothing!”

“He’s a bargaining chip.”

“He’s a person.” Bad retorted with a low growl.

What was going to happen? What was he supposed to believe? He just wanted to make it home, these two had clearly made up reasons behind closed doors and were spewing lies about some greater good. Didn’t his life matter? He had thoughts and feelings, he had a voice. But all of it had been muted in this debate over his humanity.

“Clock is ticking Darryl, what’s your choice?” Schlatt spat back, losing his patience.
Halo looked apologetically to Skeppy, kneeling in front of him, seemingly defeated. The axe on his neck eased and backed away as Bad took one of the human’s tanned hands in his own sooty clawed ones.

He stared down at his wrist where Bad was gently running a padded thumb over the soft skin. He shuddered from the touch. This was really happening, he couldn’t believe it. Would it hurt? Becoming a demon? Would his mom still care about him? Would Spifey and Finn walk away from him?

“I’m...I’m so sorry.” Bad’s voice was barely a whisper and it shook with emotion.

“Oh get on with it!” Schlatt snapped angrily, and Bad glowered.

“You can’t rush magic, give me a minute.” It was a rebuttal, but even in this situation Bad’s voice was gentle, kind, and in reality, wrought with emotion.

“I’m sorry Skeppy.” Bad turned back to him, and he shook his head.

“No don’t be sorry, it’s ok.” He felt hot tears prick the corner of his eyes. “It’ll be ok.”

“Damn right it will be.” A new person spoke, and Skeppy managed to turn and look as a hand suddenly let him go.

A new demon was standing there, hair dark, and skin tanned, he looked mostly human with the exception of a pair of golden wings on his back, slightly pointed ears and a massive scar that ran over a milky eye. Two others were at his flank, a smirk on their faces.

Four others were bringing up the rear as well, but Skeppy couldn’t see them from his angle on the ground.

“Because he’ll be coming with us.” The raven haired boy spoke with a grin showing off his chipped tooth along the scar.

(Insert deus ex machina joke)

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