Chapter XXV

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Kitty Kitty Meow Meow.
I told my dad, he's pissed
but I think he'll be fine

Yikes, I wish you have
called or had me there too.
He doesn't think I'm like a
gold digger or something right?

Kitty Kitty Meow Meow
No I don't think so. It fine,
I had to do it myself y'know.

Yeah I understand. I'm glad
he knows now though.

Kitty Kitty Meow Meow
Yeah same, I'll text later I have
patrol in 20.

Marinette put her phone down to look at her clock. He was right, 20 minutes until nine. Maybe tonight she could tell him. She thought it over, would telling him she was not only his pregnant girlfriend but also his superhero partner really go over well today.

After the appointment and him telling his father it might be best to wait a few more days for everything to cool down.

She went downstairs and pulled an ice cream sandwich out of the freezer. It might not be the healthiest thing at nine p.m. but who honestly cared anymore. She took a bite and winced at the cold hitting her teeth the wrong way.

"Tikki are you ready to go soon? She asked with a mouth full of ice cream. The small red being floated up to eye level and stained longingly at the cookie.

"I sure am, but I could you some fuel before we go." Marinette giggle at the way he Kwami hinted. She handed her some cookies and went out to her balcony.

She leaned over the rail and looked upon the Paris skyline.

What if she never went out to her balcony that night. What if she never spoke to Chat Noir as Marinette. What if she simply stayed inside and went to bed early. Would that be the solution to all of her problems?

She shooed the thought from her mind. It wasn't worth dwelling on. She couldn't change the past, but she could accept the future. A future that wasn't looking so bad all of a sudden.

The time on her phone read five till. "Spots on." The light gleamed over her figure and she felt the familiar latex suit on her skin.

She pulled her yo-yo off her waist and swung it towards The Louvre, which was today's designated meeting spot.

Her feet landed on the ground with a small thump. Chats back was towards her as he look upon the cars driving by. They hardly ever met on ground level, to many people seeing them and trying to talk. But this area was hidden in a way where they could see the people but the people couldn't see them.

"Hey Chat, what up?" It had been a few days since she'd seen him as Ladybug. Last time being the aftermath of The Ripper.

"Oh you know, the usual. Save Paris , wish I didn't have to save Paris, then save Paris some more." He said with a laugh. He was obviously joking but his words meant something. It was tiring, really tiring.

She couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if Master Fu didn't chose them. Would they just be innocent bystanders, watching as the superheroes that were picked, flew across the skies.

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