Chapter XVII

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(Warning: It's still a lil steamy)

He turned her around pressing her back against the wall. Furiously kissing her, he made his way down her cheek to her neck.

After a few minutes he admired his handy work. She might have to cover that up at school. But he didn't care.

He looked into her lust filled eyes.

"Are we good?"

"No duh,"


Marinette once again found herself picking up clothing off the floor. But this time it wasn't just her.

Unlike the last time this happened she wasn't by herself when she woke up. She was met with strong tan arms and a blonde mop hugging her waist.

She picked up the white tee shirt he was wearing and his dark blue jeans. She gently folded them and layers them on her desk.

She looked up at the boy softly snoring in her bed. If anyone had told 14 year old Marinette that a boy, let alone Adrien Agreste, was sleeping in her bed. She would have turned into a cherry. And then laughed in their face.

She giggled, her 14 year old self would never believe her predicament today.

She checked the time. School started in 30 minutes. She had to wake him now. But he looked so peaceful and happy. Since she'd gotten out of bed he'd latched on to a pillow. Snuggling it against his face. His shaggy blonde hair had fallen onto his face.

She climbed onto the bed and sat on her knees next to him.

"Psst, Adrien, wake up." she whispered running her finger through his hair.

He mumbled something along the lines of "no, I don't wanna"

"You gotta. It's time for school."

And with that he bolted upright.

"What! What time is it! Oh crap I didn't go home last night. My dad's going to kill me."

He jumped out of bed and practically threw his clothes on. He had a very panicked expression.

"Adrien, what are you doing?" Marinette asked concerned.

"I'm sorry babe, I have to get home before Natalie comes to wake-"

At that moment he pulled out his phone and saw the time. He should of been woken up and hour ago. He had 8 missed calls and 14 unread messages.

"Well... tell her you spent the night at Ninos or something, you fell asleep studying?"

"Yeah I guess that could work..." he said as he pressed call and placed the phone against his ear.

"Adrien where the hell are you? Your father wanted to speak to you this morning before school and I had to tell him you left early. And we both know that's not true so where did you sleep last night, because I know is wasn't your bed."

"Sorry Nat, I meant to call you to say I was studying at Ninos but I accidentally fell asleep and he didn't want to wake me. I'll still be at school on time and I'll come right home after."

"Adrien you need to come up with better excuses, I know you're lying. I called the Lahiffe residents to see if you were there. You haven't come over since last Monday. So I'll ask once more, where are you?"

Adrien visibly gulped. He looked to Marinette who had also seem at a loss for excuses.

"Alright, I'll tell you but please don't tell Father..."

"I can't promise you anything Adrien."

"I slept over at my girlfriends. We were just studying I swear, I fell asleep and slept on her chaise. Don't tell Father he'll never let me off the hook."

He hated lying to her but there was no way he could tell her the truth.


The line went dead for what felt like an eternity.

"Just make sure you get to school on time."

And with that she hung up. Both parties let go of breaths they didn't realize they were holding.

"Well, that was interesting. Do you think she'll tell?" The bluenette asked.

"Not sure. She kept thing to herself before but... I don't know about this." He replied.


They both arrived at school 10 minutes early. She snuck Adrien out. She knew her parents wanted to meet him but she didn't think now was the best time.

"Hey mom and dad this is Adrien the boy who got me pregnant! He slept over last night again. We're going to be off to school now. Bye!"

Yeah not the best time.

She walked hand in hand with the blonde until they reached the school building.

"Is this how you want to do it. Revealing our relationship to the whole school first?" He asked.

"Yeah why not."

And so they entered the building. Still hand is hand.


O sweet lord...

Ok so if no one mentions that I've been completely MIA for two months.

And I don't mention it.

We can pretend in never happened and then all our problems are solved.

I would say why I've been gone... but I have no good excuse.

Except... Man, Life is hard.

I'll try to be more consistent.


845 words.

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