Chapter XXII

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Half the class wasn't at school the next day. Though most people were staying with the people who needed support.

Casualties in the class consisted of. Alya, Max, and Mylene. Nino was out to support Alya, and Ivan was out for Mylene.

The room would feel empty with the absence of the five students. Marinette sat alone in the room, except for Mrs. Bustier. Slowly one by one students came in, glum looks on their faces.

It really was a sad sight. But nonetheless the world couldn't stop now. They had to keep on going. It felt strange not having her best friend next to her.

It felt like days had gone by when the lunch bell rang. They'd just repainted the back wall of Mr. Burrlings math classroom, and she'd almost thrown up three times because of it. She'd convinced herself to breathe though her mouth.

Adrien sat next to her, writing notes for the both of them, he'd noticed her conundrum and would occasionally give her back a stout rub.

The universe seemed to absolutely hate her, because Mr. Burrling had called on her three times. And she only answered correctly once. She wanted to drop kick Lila into outer space for snickering in the back of the room.

The bell ringing gave her hope for humanity. Today was just not going her way at all!

She and Adrien walked down the street to the nearest jankey convenience store, and picked up Alyas favorite ice cream, along with some chips and dip to snack on. Marinette most definitely did not plan on going back to school, but instead to stay at Alyas for the rest of the day. Unfortunately Adrien could not do the same, his father would murder him if he skipped.

When they reached the house, Nora answered the door, needless to say, she didn't look great. To see such a strong willed woman in such a state was a bit frightening. Adrien, trying to be manly, asked the forbidden question.

"How is she?"

She looked like she wanted to roll her eyes but she didn't. She put on a strong face, but her voice betrayed her.

"Not good. She's gotten almost no sleep, I lost count of how many times she woke up last night screaming. I'm really worried, I've never seen her like this." Her voice cracked a little near the end. The couple entered the house. Noras girlfriend Ali sat on the couch, which is most likely where Nora sat before they'd come.

"She's in her room with Nino, he stayed the night to help her calm down. Little good it did." She sat down next to Ali, who wrapped her smaller arms around Nora.

Marinette went in first. Nino and Alya sat on her bed his arm wrapped around his girlfriend. The look in her eyes was just that of all the others, she was pale. The bags under Ninos eyes told Marinette he'd been up all night calming her down.

Nino gave her a small smile as if to thank her for being there.

"Alya, Marinette is here to see you." He whispered and gently rubbed her shoulder.

Alya shook from her trance and looked towards her best friend. A tiny, very forced, smile graced her lips, she gestured for Marinette to come sit down.

And that she did, "Hey Als, Adrien is here too, is it okay if he comes in as well?" Marinette asked.

Alya gave a short nod and Adrien came in. He lifted the convenient store bag up high. "We got you ice cream." He said sitting in Alyas red desk chair.

The girl gave another tiny smile as the half-melted cookie dough ice cream was given to her.

The group ate the snacks in silence. Only the crunch of the chips and the sound of the TV in the living room were heard.

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