Chapter I

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May 27th started out as any other, "Marinette! Your going to be late if you don't get up now!" Sabine Cheng shouted from the lower level of their home.

Marinette frowned and rolled out of bed rubbing her eyes. As she headed to the bathroom she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. She looked like shit, for lack of a better word

She hopped in the shower and quickly washed her hair and body letting it roll down her spine before remembering the time. She turned off the water and stepped out of the tub. She wiped off the fog from the bathroom mirror and looked at herself once again. She dried off with my towel and threw on some clothes. Marinette quickly did some light makeup and her hair. She glanced one last time in the mirror

"Marinette, you look fine! Don't worry." A small voice said next to me.

"I know Tikki but I feel like something's missing" She looked at her with a frown.

"Mari!" A male voice shouted "Yes papa!" She shouted back "You're going to be late!"

Marinette looked in the mirror one last time and stood up. She grabbed her phone, "8:30! Oh sh-" she stuffed her phone and some cookies in her purse, as Tikki flew in she snapped in closed. She ran down the stairs, kissed her mama and papa goodbye and ran out the door.

The halls of the school were empty, meaning classes were already in session. 'This day just keeps getting better' Mainette thought as she headed to her classroom and as quietly as possible, entered. Adrien, Nino and Alya looked up at her. She tiptoed her way up to her seat and sat down. The teacher continued to write on the board and just as she thought she'd made it-

"Marinette I'm so glad you decided to goin us" Mrs Bustier said. "This is the third time this week. what is it this time?"

Her face turned red with embarrassment. "I uh slept in... again" she said, ashamed. Mrs Bustier looked at her pitifully as she turned her back. "At least you're honest."

Class went on with out any more interruptions until the lunch bell rang, signaling it was time to eat. Everyone started to pack up their things and head out the door.

Marinette threw her backpack on the chaise lounge and dropped into her desk chair with a dramatic sigh. It's not as if she had a bad day, or was in a bad mood. But the day just seemed to drag along. Everything felt slow, melancholy perhaps?

She leaned back in her desk chair and yawned, she leaned a little too far back and fell out of her chair.

"fuck" she said getting up. She heard snickering from her closest. "What the-" "Surprise!"

Alya her crazy best friend shouted as she jumped out of the closet. "Alya when did you get here!?" Marinette shrieked, the brunette giggled at her outburst

"Chill out Mari, your parents let me in!" She said as she sat and spun in Marinette's desk chair. "I'll chill when you stop giving me mini heart attacks every other day. I'm too young to die." he bluenette whined.

Alya chuckled and rolled her eyes. "I need a study buddy for the test next Thursday, I asked Nino but he had plans to play video games with sunshine. So... you're my study buddy now!" Alya stated.

Of course, she didn't ask Marinette if she wanted to study together or not, but Marinette knew that Alya was persistent and wouldn't back down. It honestly didn't matter, it gave her something to do.

So the next two hours of Marinette's life was spent going over Greek mythology and such.

Around 7:30 p.m. Alya stated that her mom was making dinner and she needed to head home. She thanked Marinette for her help and left. The study session was actully pretty productive , she was fairly sure they would both pass. Alya kicked her door closed when she left. The room was empty. All for Marinette, she was all alone.


Tap. Tap. Tap

Marinette smirked as she walked towards the trap door and pulled it open. "Finally, I thought you weren't going to come tonight" she said helping the cat themed superhero into her bedroom. He gave a wide grin, his gloved hand tracing over her arms

"I had to wait for your little friend to leave" Chat Noir explained pulling Marinette closer to him.

"Yeah that would be kind of hard to explain..." Marinette whispers as her face inches closer to his. Her lips smashed into his in a passionate way. Eyes closed, bodies close, air heated.

Hold on let's rewind...

Chat Noir had been visiting Marinette for 6 months now. The first time they had even spoken to each other was by accident.

Adrien pov

"But father!" "ENOUGH ADRIEN. To your room. Now." He turned away. Why must he be like that, all he wanted was to go to the movies with his friends. But of course... he didn't even know why he tried.

"Hey kid it's gonna be fiiiinne" Plagg said slipping out of his jacket "I don't know plagg. He never lets me do anything! I'm surprised I'm even still aloud to go to school." he slumped

" You know Adrien Agrest might not be able to go out tonight buuut you know who can..." tsk tsk such a bad influence

He turned with a smirk "I like the way you think, Plagg.." he looked to the Kwami "Claws Out!"

He hopped over building after building, the wind flowing through his hair. This had to be the best feeling ever! He looked at the building in front of his. The Dupain-Cheng bakery. 'Sweet. Heh heh heh...I'm frikin' hilarious.'

He saw movement on the balcony. It was a girl! It was... Marinette! Yeah no shit Sherlock this is her house. He rolled my eyes at his inner thoughts. 'If anybody could read my mind they'd think I was an idiot.' he thought to himself.

He hopped on the balcony railing, Marinette didn't seem to notice his "Hey" Chat said (louder than planned.) She visibly jumped " oh shi- Chat Noir! What on earth are you doing here! Is there danger anywhere" she looked around (probably for danger)

"No, everything is fine Purrincess I want to come see my favorite civilian" He said calmly. "Oh uh... okay well...what's up" she looked at him with wide eyes. Wow, he never realized how blue her eyes were. They are so blue!

"Oh nothing much. Just needed to get away from everything, ya know." She nodded her head understandingly "yeah I most definitely know" I smiled at her.

"you want some cookies and hot cocoa" she asked

"will it take my mind off all of my problems?" I replied

"if you want it to, then sure." And so she ran to get her stuff.

They talked for hours that first night. Chatting about random things that came to mind. He trusted her with his problems, the ones Ladybug wouldn't let his tell, and the ones Adrien couldn't say. They shared the things that they couldn't tell anyone else. They vented through each other.

Over the months they slowly developed feelings for each other. It was inevitible, with the amount of time they spent with each other. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, ocasionaly other days when they were both free.

Around their fourth month of secretly meeting he kissed her and ever since then, they decided they were meant for each other.

Thank you soooo much for reading the first chapter of " A Wrench" I hope you enjoyed!!

1220 words!

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