Chapter X

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Chat Noir only had one question. Well more like a couple of questions.

And what now?!

But in that moment none of those questions seemed to want to come out of his mouth. Every time he tried to get a word out. All that would come out was air. He blinked and breathed.

That was about it.

He allowed himself to think for a moment. She was what.
Pregnant was it.
And it was his (obviously).

And now she had confessed to him that she was pregnant and he was just silently standing there like an idiot.


He was pulled out of his deep and intellectual thoughts by her voice. "Kitty, please... say something." He blinked a couple more time and the finally his mouth allowed him to speak.
"You're... and I'm... we're going to be... I think I need to sit down now." He felt light headed all of a sudden. He slid down the chimney-like-structure he was leaning against and put his head in him hands.

His head stared pounding. The bluenette sat next to him and rubbed his shoulder. "I'm- I'm sorry, Marinette. You told- you told me you didn't think it was a good idea. But I didn't listen, and now both of our lives are going to be different. Forever." He was upset but not at her or anyone else. He was upset with himself for practically ruining her life.

He didn't know if this could be a good thing or not.
What if she didn't want to have a family with him.
He couldn't stop her from doing anything. He had no say.
But he could voice his opinion.

"What are you going to do? Keep it? Or-or n-not" she shook her head. "No, no I'm not going to get an abortion, but I don't know about adoption or raising them myself self that's a big job y'know." She said.

He felt relieved but also conflicted. He didn't know if he could be a father. Especially considering how his own is. But if she decided to keep the baby and be it's mother. Then he would be there too.

"If you decided to raise them. I... if you would be okay with it of course, I would like to be there as well." He murmured. He looked up at her, he eyes lit up with glee. "Of corse I wouldn't mind you being there, that would make this whole thing like a million times better." She smiled.

For the next two hours the pair sat on that roof in silence watching the stars. It was a comfortable silence. The kind of silence that said everything you needed to hear. It was truly a beautiful Friday night. It seemed like everything was going to be okay.

"Hey... my parents what to meet you." She said abruptly. You could hear the incoherent cat noises from a mile away. "When do they want to do that?" He replied quickly.

There was many a time he had seen Tom Dupain in his life. And there were many jokes made with his friends about how he would scare any boy away. No kidding the guy was like 2 tons. And he was probably not very happy with the guy who knocked up his daughter.

What was even worse to think about was how his father would react. He would most like get disowned or be under house arrest for the rest of his natural life.

"I don't really know when they want to. But they want to. That brings up another issue though. I don't think they're going to take kindly to me bringing them Chat Noir." She mumbled that last bit but he heard it.

It made sense but Plagg, Master Fu, and most importantly Ladybug would not be very happy with him revealing his identity to anyone. But wouldn't this just have to be an exception. It's pretty important. He could ask Ladybug. But that would be pretty awkward. He could just see it.

"Hey LB quick question ummm I got my girlfriend pregnant and now she wants me to reveal my identity to her. That cool with you?" 

Ugh he got goosebumps just thinking about it. She could be very scary and very mean when she wanted to be.

He could just do in and never tell Ladybug. But it would probably eat him up inside. His life was becoming a mess. As much as he didn't want to admit it he had also planned out his life.

But he wanted to look on the bright side. He was just now realizing how much he loved Marinette. This could turn out to be an amazing thing. He talked to other teen parents. They always say the same thing about their kids. 'Best thing that ever happened to me'  so it can't be that horrible can it?

He wondered who else she had told. Obviously her parents. Alya? Nino? She hadn't told him and he's part of the friend group. She probably only told Alya.

"Chat? Hello? Did you hear me?" He was pulled out of his thoughts once again.

"Sorry.What was the last thing you said?"
She might of said something else.

"I said who are you Chat Noir. I need to know okay?"


Boom. Another chapter. For some reason this chapter seemed to be a lot easier to write that the last one. Witch is so nice. Writers block is a son of a gun. Last chapter was written one sentence at a time cause' that's all I could come up with.

So there you go. Done. Bye.

948 words.

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