Chapter XX

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Alya was not okay, was all Marinette was hearing from Nino.

"Nette, I don't think she's going to be going to school tomorrow. She's not looking good. I'm staying with her tonight and tomorrow. Maybe you and Adrien can stop by after school." He sounded worried, more worried than she hoped. He didn't sound like playful Nino, he was to serious. Now she was more worried than when she first called.

"Yeah, we can visit tomorrow. Tell her I love her and I'll see her soon okay?" She asked quietly.

"Okay, sounds good." He replied. The line went dead. So did her hope.

"She's not doing well." Marinette said turning to look at Adrien who sat on the chaise behind her. He grimmest, folding his one arm over the other. He flexed his fingers again.

"I saw her out there, y'know dead. It freaked me out, 'cause anywhere she goes, you can't be far. And even though we might not be the closes of friends, it was hard to see her like that..." he trailed off. Marinette couldn't even imagine, she was beyond glad she didn't catch a glimpse of anyone she knew.

She sat next to him on her chaise, he placed and arm around her out of habit. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back, she copied. It had been a long and excruciating day. She would give her left arm for a good twelve hours of sleep.

Her mind drifted as she heard soft snores coming from her boyfriend. She dreamed that everything was back to normal. No death, no arguments, no crying, no baby.

Her mind gave her what she hoped for, a blank slate. She slipped into unconsciousness with that thought.


"I don't know Tom, she texted saying she was at home but I haven't heard her upstairs." the voice was louder than Marinette wished. She groaned bringing her hand to her face to rub her eye. She heard rain pattering on the roof.

"Yes honey, I know. She probably fell asleep, it's been a long day. I'll go check on her." She registered the voice as her fathers. It was then she heard the footsteps climbing towards her room. She also realized the compromising position she was in. Adriens arm rapped around her, her snuggled up on his chest, their legs tangled together. It was a common position for a couple to be in, but she hadn't introduced Adrien to her parents yet, at least not as her boyfriend, and father of her child. Her dad was going to flip.

So in a matter of life or death, on Adriens part at least, she shoved her boyfriend off her chaise and onto the floor.

"What the f-" "Shhhhhh" she shushed him quickly. She turned toward the hatch on the floor just as it opened to reveal her father.

"Heyyy daddy, whats up!" she cursed herself for being weird. The large man raised an eyebrow at his daughter.

" Nothing sweetheart, just came up to check on you, are you okay? Your mother and I haven't seen you since this morning, we didn't know where you were until after the akuma attack and we were worried until you sent us the text that said you were at home and fine. What have you been up to?" he asked. She seemed nervous, too nervous.

"Oh you know, this and that... I just woke up from a nap, I did some sewing earlier, a little sketching too. Nothing special," she said trying to give as realistic of an answer as possible.

"Sewing huh, I didn't hear you machine?" Shit, he caught her in a lie. Quick Mari think.

"Hand sewing, ya'know buttons, and pockets. Small stuff like that." She mentally gave herself a pat on the back. She hated lying, but had become quite good at it since becoming Ladybug. He still didn't look convinced though.

Tom couldn't help but notice a strange shadow from behind her chaise. What some didn't know about Tom, was that her had a photographic memory, and that shadow wasn't there before. He stepped up into her room, to get a closer look. He didn't want to snoop, but, what was that saying again, curiosity killed the cat.

Marinette wanted to stop him, this was not how she wanted her parents to find out. Though in the moment she couldn't find any words to stop him. What was she supposed to say exactly?

'No dad don't go back there! I have no exact reason why but don't!' That just wouldn't work so she winced as her father rounded the corner of her chaise to see a very panicked Adrien on the floor.

"What the hell!" Her father yelled. She opened her eyes to see her boyfriend scamper to his feet.

"Um-hi-*ahem* Hello, sir- Mr. Dupain, I'm uh Adrien Ag- Agreste, it's a pleasure to see you aga-"

"I know who you are, what in the ever loving hell are you doing in my daughters room at-" he looked down at his wrist, "eight o'clock p.m."

Adrien stuttered more incoherent words, it was pitiful. She never seen his this afraid. Three year of akumas, some very scary, and this was the first time he'd been this nervous. She stood up, which caused her doofus boyfriend to shut up.

"Well you see, dad, this is Adrien... my boyfriend" she winced even harder when she saw the anger flare up on his face.

"Oh hell no!" he father yelled once again garbing Adrien by his arm and practically dragging him down the stairs.

"Nette help!" The poor boy sounded petrified.

"Dad please don't kill him!" she followed after.

Sabien heard quite a commotion from her daughters bedroom. Her husbands voice boomed thought the house. When she heard the voice of one of her daughters best friend, particularly the one she'd had a crush on for years, she understood. What she didn't expect to see was her husband throw the poor boy out the door and onto their front porch, in the pouring rain.

"And stay out!" he slammed the door.

"Dad!" Marinette ran to the door and let the, now wet, boy back in.

Tom headed back towards the door, to most likely kick him out a second time, until he felt small hand on his arm.

"Tom please, lets hear what they have to say..." His wives soft voice calmed him down a bit.

"Fine." he crossed his outrageously large arms.

"Start talking."



Boom another chapter! Blah.


small stinky socks <3

1095 words

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