Chapter IIIV

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The next day started the same way the last one did. With Marinette running to the toilet to throw up. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and got up.

She sat on the bathroom counter and placed her head in her hands "uggh what is wrong with me?" She wined.
She got dressed and cleaned herself up. She heard her mom yell from the stairs "sweetie we need to get going, your appointment in 30 minutes." Marinette nodded to herself and quickly replied "Alright" she ran down the stairs trying her hardest not to trip.

As her and her family got into the family's mini van she started to think. Chat had visited her last night, she finally told him of all of her problems and of the appointment. She didn't want him to worry. He seemed troubled. She got out her phone and looked for something to do. This was going to be a very long drive.

25 minutes later
The mini van pulled up to the doctors office. Marinette repeatedly told her parents that they should of just gone to the office by there house but they assured her it was necessary they go to only the best.

As she walked into the tall white building her nerves started to act up. She walked up to the front desk and told them she had an appointment. "Can I get your name sweetie?" The receptionist asked "oh uh Marinette Dupain-Cheng " The bluenette answered. The receptionist handed her a clipboard and said her and her family could wait in the waiting room. She sat down in the chair next to her dad and they waited. And waited. And waited. Until...

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng!" She practically jumped out of her chair as the doctor called her. "Hello Miss Marinette, right this way!" Said a cheery nurse. "My name is Brittany and I will be helping the doctor out today, I'll be right back, but for now you can just take a seat right there." Brittany said pointing to a long white cushioned table with a long piece of paper across it.

Marinette felt nervous. She had no reason to be nervous, yet she was. Eventually a tall male wearing a long white jacket stepped in the room. "Hello Miss," he looked at his clip board "Marinette. My name is doctor Isaac Raynell, today me and my assistant nurse Brittany will be checking out what's up with you." Dr. Isaac said in a very monotone voice, not at all like Brittany.

After asking her a spew of questions (when was your last menstrual cycle? Are you under a lot of stress? How are your eating habits?) Brittany nicely asked her to pee in a cup. Marinette laughed at her before realizing she was serious. And so she complied. It was an awkward experience, it wasn't like she was being watched but it was still weird. She gave the cup back to Brittany and she left. So her and her parents waited in the small room. She sat atop the table and waited. She wondered what could be wrong.

"Miss Dupain-Cheng" the doctor said as he entered the room "If Mr. And Mrs. Dupain-Cheng would be so kind as to step out, I'd speak with you alone." Marinette had a confused look plastered on her face. "Whatever you need to say to me, you can say in front of my parents." She gently replied, praying that wasn't something embarrassing. "Well..." the doctor said as he tugged at his collar, "It seems to be- well... Congratulations you are pregnant!"

And in that moment Marinette's whole world shattered.

"What?" Asked her mother. "Like I said it seems that Marinette is-" "No, I heard you, but... I just dont understand." As her mother finished her sentence she could hear her father grunt

"No! No you're wrong there's no way in hell she's pregnant!" He shouted "sir please-" Brittany said trying to calm him down "No! Marinette sweetie please tell me it's not true! Tell me there's not even a chance it's true." Her father pleaded. But she just sat there looking at nothing, she might of seemed calm on the outside but if anyone could take a glance into her mind they would see something horrific. Her mind was just trying to process the information that was just slapped in her face. How would her friends react, how would Chat react, how would everybody react? The questions started spinning and so did everything else. The last thing she heard was her mothers sobs before she blacked out.


She woke up with a serious pain in her head. What happened? She was in the back seat of her parents mini van, laying down. She could see her mom wiping her eyes with a tissue and her dad with what looked like a constipated and confused expression plastered across his face. Who died? And then it hit her.




Her whole life was over.
Hey y'all it's me! Another chapter has arrived. I don't have much to say but I hope you enjoyed. I'm going to try to give you some marichat in the next chapter so stay tuned!

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