Chapter VI

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I went to school, well, more like I dragged myself to school. Alya knew the moment she looked in my eyes something was wrong, I probably looked like death and depressions bastard child. 

She raised her brow. "What's with the face?" she said gesturing to my (most likely) gloomy expression. I know, out of all people, I can't keep this from Alya. She sees right through my lies. I'm serious I could tell her a billion times nothing was wrong and she would never believe me. "I'll tell you after school, but you have to promise you won't look at me any differently," I said so quietly I was practically whispering. 

She looked at me like I had three heads. "Why would I do that?" she asked.

 She was in for a surprise.

We went to class, and then another class, and another, and one more. And then we ate lunch. And then it was time for more classes. Yay.

The day dragged on. I hated it but at the same time, I was glad. it gave me time to think about what I would tell Alya. I couldn't just blurt out ' Hey girl, I'm pregnant with Chat Noir, you know the famed superhero of Paris's baby. Suprise you're going to be an Aunt!' that would not go well at all.

 I could always fall on the floor and bawl my eyes out until I finally stutter the words ' I'm pregnant' and then cry some more but that's a bit dramatic.

 I could always hit her with the 'you're going to be an aunt' or ' my parents are going to be grandparents in about nine months' but she could have a heart attack and no one wants that.

I could just flat out say 'im pregnant' and see how it goes. Out of all my options, I think ill go with this one, just for fun.

She's obviously going to ask who the father is, I don't know what ill tell her but ill figure it out. Shes also most likely going to ask if he knows. Simple answer but I feel like it will be the hardest part. 


I walked down the sidewalk, Alya by my side, rambling on about who knows what. When we finally reached my front door I sucked a deep breath in. I opened the door. My mom was at the counter with a small line of about three people behind it. My dad was frosting macarons and placing them in the display table. My mom looked up at me with a small grin "hello girls, would yall like some snacks, or to help down here?" she asked. I was about to answer until Alya said "Oh no Ms. Cheng, not today. Marinette said we need to have a 'serious talk'" she put her fingers up and made quotations marks and grinned. The smile fell off my mother's lips. She looked to me with a 'are you going to tell her what I think you are?' look. I shook my head yes and blinked back the tears forming in the corners of my eyes. Alya looked confused but brushed it off. She grabbed my hand and started walking up the stairs.

 What's the worst that can happen, your probably asking. Well for starters she could say she doesn't want to be friends with a no-good slut that couldn't keep her legs closed and got pregnant at 17. Or even worse, she could say nothing at all and just walk out of my life, never to return.

I sat down on my bed and looked up at Alya. "Hey, what was up with your mom- Hey are you ok?" she asked the happy-go-lucky grin melted away, turning into a grim line. "Is this about your appointment yesterday?" she spoke up once more. 

The tears I'd been holding back finally spilled. "ther- there's something wro- wrong with me" my voice cracked "it's going to change my, change my life for- forever" Alya looked worried, no more than worried, she looked like she just witnessed her dog die. "Marinette, what do you mean somethings wrong, your not, you're not dyi-" "no, no I'm not dying, it's just, I'm, I'm-" 

I couldn't say it, it just wouldn't come out. It was like the word wouldn't form. I put my head in my hand and cried, and cried, and cried. Until I felt the arms of my best friend wrap around me, I rested my head on her shoulder and let it all out.

 "your pregnant aren't you," she whispered. I nodded my head. I expected her to get up and leave but all she did was wrap her arms around me tighter. 


I woke up the next morning hugging my pillow, Alya was next to me hugging my other pillow. I got up and got ready for school. It was Monday. Yay. After I got completely ready, I woke Alya up. "Hey, Alya, we have to get to school" I nudged her "mhh no 5 more minutes " she mumbled. "no we have to go to school" she groaned and reluctantly got up.

 As she got ready I went downstairs. My mom was getting breakfast ready. "oh good you're up, I was about to go and wake y'all up," she looked up at me "it was obvious you'd be up early, you fell asleep at 6:00 p.m. I found you guys when I went to get y'all for dinner," I laughed, "yeah we had a crying fest, that was fun" I said in a sarcastic tone. "I take it things went well since she didn't hear shouting and she didn't leave..." I shook my head " yeah, I think we'll be ok" I replied. Just then I heard steps down the stairs and Alya appeared.

"your ears must have been burning," I said with a giggle "yeah I heard, we'll be just a-okay. Mari, my opinion on you will never change. You'll always be my best friend." 

Not to brag or anything but I have the best friend in the world.


Hey yall im back, Boom there somebody other than her parents know. At first i was going to have Alya freack out but at the last minute i changed my mind. You never know this could bring them closer... we shall see. Ttyl y'all

1060 words!

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