More Than That

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"I don't wanna keep doing this if we just gone be friends

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"I don't wanna keep doing this if we just gone be friends."

⋆ ✧ ✩21NBA✩ ✧⋆

A/N: This is for @suganoowuga. Sorry for taking so long.・・・ʕ ˵ ̿–ᴥ ̿– ˵ ʔ


  "Shey please?" Kentrell questioned, soft moans spilling from his lips as Sheyaa massaged his clit in small circles. "Stop for a second, we needa talk." Sheyaa rolled his eyes before responding to him.

"Ion care it can wait, we just got started." Sheyaa spoke, a hint of annoyance laced in his voice. Truthfully, he wanted nothing more than to use Kentrell's body. His words and feelings meant nothing to Sheyaa. After all, whatever he had to say couldn't be that important, right?

"No the fuck it can't. Can we please just talk Shey? It's not that hard to listen to me." Kentrell replied before letting out a sigh. "Ion think I'm asking for too much, all I want is for you to-" Kentrell was interrupted by Sheyaa's lips brushing against his. He released hoarse whines into the kiss, squirming as Sheyaa's hands roamed his body. Though a small part of him was enjoying it, all he wanted at the moment was for Sheyaa to stop and listen to him.

He placed his hands on Sheyaa's chest, pushing him with as much force as he could in order to break the kiss. All Sheyaa could do was stare at him, his eyes filled with a mixture of rage and confusion. "My bad Shey but I don't wanna keep doing this." Kentrell announced. This upset him even more than he was already was.

"The fuck you mean you don't wanna keep doing this?" Sheyaa asked in a raised voice as he balled up his fists in frustration. Kentrell's eyes shifted towards the ground.

"I don't wanna keep doing this if we just gone be friends." He expressed. "I fucking love you Shey." These words didn't phase Sheyaa, they were meaningless to him.

"Well ion know what the fuck you thought this was but that's all we gone be."He responded. "Ion got time for no relationship right now." Kentrell's heart instantly began to ache after hearing his response. It hurt him to know that Sheyaa didn't feel the same way. He took a deep breath before speaking once more.

"Can we just give it a try?"

"Did you listen to anything I just told yo ass? Ion wanna be with you! Why is that so hard for you to understand? Ion fucking love you!" Although it hurt to get rejected the first time, the second time hurt a lot worse. Kentrell's eyes began to fill with tears. He played with his fingers in order to keep his composure. His sadness was immeasurable.

"I'm sorry." Kentrell apologized in a low, shaky voice. "I thought that maybe you'd feel the same."

"Well you was wrong. Next time don't assume shit." This time Kentrell didn't respond, instead he got of the bed and began to gather his clothing from off the floor. "Wait where is you going Kentrell? We not gone fuck?" Kentrell's sadness was quickly accompanied by anger.

"Are you being fucking serious right now? You really expect me to wanna fuck after you broke my heart? You got me all the way fucked up!" Kentrell shouted at him as he put his shirt on. "I'm done with this shit!"

"Then be done bitch! You not hurting me! You only hurting yourself!" Sheyaa spat. "Ion need you hoe!" It took everything in Kentrell to not reach over and slap him.

"Oh so I'm a hoe now?" Sheyaa nodded without hesitation.

"You damn right, and that's all you gone ever be!" Kentrell finished putting his clothes on and gathered his belongings.

"You remember that, don't bang my line the next time you need some pussy either." Kentrell replied before exiting the room and leaving the house. Sheyaa didn't care that he lost Kentrell. He was sure he could find someone just like him or maybe even better than him, but would he? Would he ever find someone who tolerated him like Kentrell did?

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