What's My Worth? (final part)

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    "Wait, you're leaving?"

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"Wait, you're leaving?"

⋆ ✧ ✩playboiuzi✩ ✧⋆


Jordan hesitated for a moment before slowly removing his clothes. Though he didn't want to acknowledge it, he felt anxious at the moment. He was afraid of what would happen after this. Could this possibly be the last time he saw Symere?

Symere's eyes lit up once he was met with the sight of Jordan's body. It was perfect in his eyes. While he found his body to be beautiful, Jordan saw it as a curse. Although it was considered to be "desirable" by many, he hated it. It seemed to be the only thing people saw him for.

Negative thoughts began to fill his mind and within seconds, he became consumed in them. No matter how hard he tried to get rid of them, he couldn't. They just wouldn't go. He couldn't help but wonder if Symere would end up treating him like the others did in the past.

His thoughts were soon interrupted by a gentle tap on the shoulder. "Are you okay baby?" Symere questioned, noticing Jordan's change in mood. Jordan nodded, even though that was clearly not the case.

"Just hurry up and fuck me Symere." He responded, his voice laced with impatience. Due to his negative thoughts, he was lead to believe that tonight wouldn't be any better than those in the past, his only wish at the moment was to get this night over with.

Jordan laid down and waited for Symere to get undressed. Once done, Symere sat back down next to him. He brought his fingers up to Jordan's mouth, "Suck on them." He instructed. Jordan did as he was told and began sucking on them.

After a while, Symere pulled them away before staring into Jordan's eyes. This caused him to feel a bit uncomfortable. "Tell me if I hurt you, okay?" He positioned his fingers at Jordan's entrance before carefully sliding them in. The last thing he wanted was to hurt Jordan.

He allowed him to get adjusted to his fingers before slowly thrusting them into him. "Fuck." Jordan covered his mouth as a series of soft, airy moans escaped his lips. Though it felt good, it still wasn't enough to satisfy Jordan; he needed more. "It's not enough Symere, I want to feel you in my guts, I want you to fuck me." Symere smirked at his desperate cries.

"How bad you want this dick baby?"

"So fucking bad, please just fuck me already." He whined. As much as he wanted to continue teasing him, he decided to be nice and give the other male what he had been begging for.

"Alright, now get on your hands and knees for me."

"Shit Sy, please don't go so deep!" Jordan cried out, clutching a nearby pillow as Symere attacked his prostate with slow, deep thrusts. "Take some out!"

"But isn't this what you wanted baby?" Symere asked teasingly, a smirk plastered across his face. "Didn't you beg for this dick?"

"Yes but it's too much!" Symere grew tired of hearing his cries and placed a hand over his mouth.

"Just let me please you." Without warning, he filled Jordan with the rest of his nine inch shaft, causing him to let out a muffled shriek. The pleasure was starting to become unbearable.

Symere's once slow thrusts quickened, causing Jordan to murmur curses under his breath. He wouldn't be able to handle the immense pleasure for much longer. He reached back and tried his best to push him away, in hopes that he would give him a break. Unfortunately, it only caused Symere to grow aggressive.

"So you're trying to run?" Symere grabbed his wrists and pinned them above his head, resulting in Jordan letting out a soft whimper. "I'm being gentle and you still can't take this dick?" He taunted, followed by a chuckle. He removed his hand from Jordan's mouth and allowed him to speak once more.

"I'm sorry Sy! It's too much for me!" Jordan admitted shamefully as he became engulfed embarrassment. "Please just take some out!"

"Just shut the fuck up and take this dick baby!" He shouted, his hands wrapped around Jordan's neck as he tightened his grasp. Tears of pleasure pricked his eyes as he struggled to gasp for air. Rather than intimidate him, this excited Jordan. He knew he wouldn't be able to contain himself for much longer.

"Fuck Sy! Please don't do that!" Jordan managed to shout, writhing in his grip. But this only caused Symere's grasp to tighten even more. Jordan clawed at his hands in attempts to be freed to no avail. Symere laughed at his efforts.

"Who do you think you're running from baby boy?" His mocking tone sent shivers down Jordan's spine. Symere's taunting thrilled him. He bit his lip harshly as precum spilled out of his tip, he was close.

"Symere I can't take it anymore! I'm gonna cum!" He announced breathlessly, his body trembling violently from the overwhelming pleasure.

"Do you really think you deserve to cum?" Jordan nodded his head vigorously, his body aching for a release.

"Yes Sy, please let me cum!"

"Will you run next time?" Jordan froze in response to the question. What did he mean by next time? Surely this was only going to be a one time thing, right? He shook it off, coming to the conclusion that he was overthinking it.

"No, I promise I won't run from you!" He vowed. Symere smirked, pleased with his response.

"Good boy." He praised him as he loosened the grip around his neck and came close to his ear.

"Cum for me baby." He whispered. This phrase sent Jordan over the edge and soon the sheets were covered in a white, sticky mess. He didn't even get the chance to come off his high before feeling Symere's already deep thrusts start to quicken.

"Sy!" But Symere didn't bother to listen to his cries. He only continued to plunge his member into him. Jordan covered his mouth to prevent his moans from escaping. Symere's stomach tightened as precum leaked out of him, indicating that he was going to climax.

"Can I cum inside you baby?" Jordan blushed at the request.

"Y-yes." He stuttered. Soon, he felt Symere fill him with the warm substance. "Fuck Sy!" He moaned out, feeling Symere's children seep out of him. Symere pulled out and collapsed onto the couch.

Jordan let out a sigh before placing what he assumed to be the kiss he would ever give him on his cheek. "I had fun tonight but I think I should be going now." He spoke as he gathered his belongings.

"Wait you're leaving?" Symere asked sadly as he watched him collect his things. He didn't want Jordan to leave so soon.

"Yeah, I think I should-"

"Please don't leave, can you stay a little longer?" Symere asked, cutting him off. "I don't want you to leave just yet." Jordan nodded happily as he put down his belongings and laid beside him. He was glad that Symere wanted him to stay.

"I guess I can stay." Symere smiled and kissed his head.

"I love you." Jordan's eyes widened with surprise after hearing this phrase. These words didn't mean anything, did they?

A/N: um I hope y'all liked it 😳

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