I Need You Back

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"If I change would you take me back?"

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"If I change would you take me back?"

⋆ ✧ ✩vondurk✩ ✧⋆

A/N: This was requested by @Sumiya9, sorry for taking so long!'㉨`*


  A sigh escaped Durk's lips as he approached his doorstep. After a long drive, he was glad to finally be home. "Oh uhm, hey Durk." He froze in his tracks as a familiar voice filled his ears. "Can we talk real quick?"

Durk didn't bother to answer. He instead continued to stand in silence, acting as if he didn't hear a thing. "Durk please, it's really important." He looked over, only to be met with a face that he never thought he would see again; one that he tried his hardest to forget about. Why did it have to be him?

"Why the fuck is you here Dayvon? Like I said last time, I don't have yo shit. I already gave it back to you so get the fuck away from my house." He spat as he took out his keys.

"I'm not here for that, I've been wanting to talk to you about something else. I know you don't wanna see me right now but it's very important, I-"

"If you know I don't wanna see you then why is you here? Look, I'm not tryna be rude but I think you should go." Durk interrupted before unlocking his door. It wasn't like he hated Dayvon, he was only doing what was best for him.

"Durk please, just for a second?" Durk glanced at him once more before hurrying inside and slamming the door. Dayvon soon began to knock. "I'm not tryna argue with you, just open the door." As much as Durk wanted to, he didn't. How could he be around Dayvon after knowing how bad he hurt him? Durk could never forgive himself for what he did.

"Dayvon, go home. I don't wanna talk to you." Dayvon let out a sigh as he stared at the ground.

"Please? You don't even have to open the door, I can just tell you from out here if you want me to." Dayvon offered. After a moment of contemplating, Durk finally surrendered.

"Ight I guess, go ahead and say what you wanted to say." Dayvon took a deep breath.

"Well, I haven't seen you in a while and uhm, I really fucking miss you."


"But before you say anything, please just listen. The shit I did was wrong and I'll admit that and I'm sorry. We haven't seen each other in a while and I really wanna spend time with you. Maybe we could get back-"

"We can't."

"But why not? Is there something wrong with me?"

"Nah, I ain't mean it like that." Durk responded.

"Then how come things can't go back to how they used to be?"

"Cus, it's just better this way." There was a deafening silence before Durk heard sniffling from the other side of the door.

"But why? Just tell me what the fuck I did so I can fix it. If I change would you take me back?" Dayvon asked in a hoarse, shaky voice. Durk stared at the door in guilt, reminded of the very reason that he no longer wanted to see Dayvon.

"It's nun you did, I swear." Durk assured Dayvon as he opened the door. "Don't cry, I'm sorry." He wrapped his arms around Dayvon as he continued to cry.

"Then why don't you wanna be with me?"

"You remember when I told you that we should just take a break from each other? Well, I felt like shit when you started crying. I wasn't tryna hurt you but I ended up hurting you anyways. I hated seeing you like that. It was pretty fucked up that I didn't talk to you after that but how could I? I was mad at myself for what I did to you." Durk revealed.

"Why couldn't you tell me sooner? I understand you were upset with yourself but don't you think it would've been better to say something instead of avoiding me?" Dayvon questioned while wiping his tears.

"I just felt too guilty after that, I didn't wanna talk to you knowing that I made you cry. The way I handled the situation is wrong and I apologize. I wanted to get back with you for a while now but I didn't know how to tell you, I thought you'd be mad at me." Dayvon shook his head.

"I wasn't mad at all, just a lil surprised. I everything was going great."

"They were but things were getting a lil rocky between us so I thought it was best to be a part for a while." Durk explained. Dayvon nodded his head understandingly. He was glad things were finally sorted out between them.

"Ight, it all makes sense now." He spoke as  pulled away from Durk. "It was nice talking to you but I think I should go now. I know we cool now but ion know if-" Dayvon was cut off by Durk's lips pressing against his.

"Ion want you to leave, I still feel bad about what happened so I wanna make it up to you."

"You don't have to, it's all good now." Durk pulled him inside and locked the door.

"No it ain't, what I did was fucked up. Now let me make it up to you."

A/N: Ngl this was ass but if y'all got any more ships you wanna see feel free to leave them here. ʕʔ

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