Come Back

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   "Fuck him, you only need me

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"Fuck him, you only need me."

⋆ ✧ ✩playboiuzi + asapuzi?✩ ✧⋆


Symere's eyes welled up with tears, his breathing growing shaky as he knocked on his best friend's door. While he waited for him to answer, he looked down at the missing person fliers clutched tightly in his hand. He couldn't help but to blame himself for what had happened. Was it his fault that his boyfriend went missing?

It wasn't long before the door swung open, revealing his best friend on the other side. "Hey Sy, I haven't seen you in a while." He greeted him with a smile plastered across his face. His expression soon fell once he caught a glimpse of Symere. It looked as if he hadn't slept in days. "Is everything alright?" Symere shook his head and let out a sigh before responding.

"I've been looking everywhere for Jordan Rakim, it's been a week and I still can't find him." Symere answered. "I just want him to come back home." Rakim rolled his eyes. He never understood why Symere cared so much about him.

"I don't get why you're so worried about him, he's probably fine." He started as he moved to let Symere inside his house. "Just give it some time and he should come back." Symere nodded and made his way to the couch. Although Rakim's reassurance calmed him a bit, he was still anxious about the situation. What if he was wrong? What if Jordan never made it home?

"Are you sure he's gonna come back?" Symere questioned as Rakim sat beside him. "What if something happened to him? I'm-" Before Symere could say another word, Rakim silenced him by gently pressing his index finger against his lips, using this as an opportunity to take advantage of his weakened state.

"I know you're going through so much right now Sy and that must be so stressful to deal with." Rakim spoke as he removed his finger from his lips. "Don't you want me to help you take your mind off it?" Before Symere could answer, he felt Rakim's lips brush against his. For a moment, Symere couldn't tell whether or not he was dreaming. It just didn't feel real to him.

Once he became fully aware of what was happening, Symere began to panic, his heart pounding as Rakim rested his hands on his waist. Words couldn't describe how uncomfortable he felt at the moment.

He quickly pulled away before things could escalate any further and stared at Rakim in disgust. "This isn't right, you know I can't just cheat on Jordan like that." This sentence alone was enough to send Rakim into a fit of rage.

"I'm tired of hearing about Jordan! Why can't you ever shut the fuck up about him? You don't even fucking need him, you only need me!" Rakim spat, releasing years worth of pent of anger. Ever since the pair had gotten together, Rakim began to envy Jordan, wishing that he was with Symere instead. What did Jordan have that Rakim didn't?

Symere felt horrible for upsetting him. It wasn't like he meant to. All he wanted was to have someone to vent to, was that too much to ask for? "I'm sorry." He apologized. "I didn't mean to make you mad, please don't leave me I don't wanna lose you too." Symere's eyes filled with tears once more as he thought about the possibility of losing his best friend. That was the last thing he needed right now.

Rakim took a deep breath in attempts to calm himself down before replying to him. "I don't give a fuck about how sorry you are, sorry isn't gonna fix anything. If you really wanna show me you're sorry then you gotta give me what I want." Symere began playing with his fingers. He knew exactly what Rakim was hinting at-sex.

"Rakim, please don't make me do that, that'll make me feel uncomfortable." Symere expressed.

"I'm not gonna make you do anything, I'm just giving you a chance to make it up to me." Rakim responded with a smirk. "You don't wanna lose me now, do you?"

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