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"I really need you right now!"

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"I really need you right now!"

⋆ ✧ ✩asaptyler✩ ✧⋆

A/N: Just a heads up, this oneshot will contain a lot of arguing. Also, sorry it's a lil short.


"Are you fucking serious right now? This is what we're doing? I haven't done shit to you! What the fuck are you tryna leave me for?" Rakim questioned furiously. "Tell me, what did I do?" Tyler sighed before responding.

"You know exactly what you're doing, look at how you're acting. Do you really expect me to stay with you if this is how you treat me? I've went through this long enough." He spoke, recalling the months he spent dealing with Rakim's outbursts. "I'm done."

"What the fuck are you talking about? I go out my way to make sure you're happy, you don't appreciate anything I do for you!" Rakim retorted. "I'm trying my best, isn't that good enough for you?"

"You haven't done shit for me, all you do is yell at me all day and I'm tired of it. I've given you so many chances and hoped that you changed but you never did, so if anybody should be appreciating anything, it's you." Tyler replied as calmly as he could. "I could've kicked your ass out already but I was nice enough to let you stay." As much as he wanted to, he didn't yell. What was the point? It would only make Rakim even more upset.

"Don't act like I never did shit for you, you wouldn't be where you are now if it wasn't for me!" That remark was enough to send Tyler over the edge.

"Oh hell no, I'm done tryna be nice about it. Get the fuck outta my house." Tyler demanded. Rakim wasn't going to leave just yet. He was going to do whatever it took to keep Tyler from kicking him out. He stopped and thought for a moment.

"Do you know how fucked up you are? I'm already dealing with enough shit as it is yet you wanna kick me out? What's wrong with you?" Tyler rolled his eyes.

"You aren't dealing with a damn thing, don't fucking lie to me."

"But I'm not lying! I just found out I was pregnant and I'm stressed out! I really need you right now!" Rakim lied, trying his best to force himself to cry. "Please don't kick me out!" Tyler began to feel a little bad, maybe he was being a little harsh.

"I'm so sorry, when were you gonna tell me?" He asked.

"I wanted to wait to tell you later but since you wanted to think I was lying, I had to tell you sooner." Rakim answered, wiping away his imaginary tears. Tyler began to feel even worse.

"I just thought you were making shit up, I didn't think you were being serious." Rakim nodded.

"I get it." He sighed as he put his shoes on. "I've lied to you so much that I don't blame you for not believing me. If you want me to go, I'll leave." Tyler couldn't help but to feel guilty and quickly stopped him.

"No don't, you can stay."

"Are you sure?" Tyler nodded.

"Yeah, again I'm really sorry. I should've never accused you of lying." He apologized. Rakim couldn't help but to smirk a bit.

"It's cool, just don't do that shit again." Tyler knew things would only get worse, but he didn't want to kick Rakim out if he was going to have his child. It seemed like no matter how hard he tried, Rakim would come back into his life one way or another. When would it all end?

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