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"Please go away

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"Please go away."

slumptacion ✧⋆


The sounds of giggling children could be heard as they played. "Ready or not here I come!" One of them called out as he began to look for the others. As he began to search, he could hear movement in the distance. A smile formed on his face.

He moved closer to the sound before finally finding its source. "I found you!" He laughed only to realize that it wasn't one of his friends, rather a kid he'd never seen before. "Oh sorry, I thought you were someone else." He apologized as he laughed nervously. The kid looked up at him before turning his attention back to the ground.

"Please go away." The kid appeared to be sad, but why?

"Why? I wanna get to know you." The kid let out a sigh. He wasn't in the mood to meet new people at the moment.

"No thank you." He politely declined.

"Come on it's not that hard, I'll go first. My name is Jahseh, what's yours?" Jahseh smiled.

"That's cool but I don't wanna talk to you." Due to his past experiences with other children, he was lead to believe that they were all mean and only wanted to hurt him. Would Jahseh be the same way?

"Can I at least know your name?" Jahseh asked, the seven year old refused to give up. He wouldn't stop talking to the boy until they became friends.

"It's Stokeley now can you please go?" Stokeley began to get irritated. Why couldn't Jahseh just leave him alone?

"But you're all by yourself, I don't want you to be lonely." He replied before sitting on the ground next to Stokeley.

"I like it that way, please leave me alone." Stokeley begged as he scooted away from him. "I wanna be alone."

"But why? It's not really fun being by yourself."

"It's fun for me, now go away." Stokeley became more aggressive. He quickly grew tired of going back and forth with Jahseh and only wished to be left alone.

"I only wanna be your friend." Jahseh was saddened by the fact that Stokeley didn't like his presence. He couldn't understand why he didn't want him around. Stokeley rolled his eyes.

"That's what they all say." Jahseh was confused by his response. What was that supposed to mean?

"What do you mean by that?" Stokeley let out a sigh before explaining himself further.

"Whenever I meet someone new they always say that they wanna be my friend and then they just end up hurting me, all they do is hurt me!" Stokeley's frustration quickly turned to sadness as he recalled the events. His eyes began to water. "Why is everyone so mean to me?"

Jahseh began to feel bad for him. Everything was starting to make sense. "I won't be mean to you." He told Stokeley as he wrapped an arm around him. "I'll be nice, I promise."

"I don't want you to hurt me." His voice grew shaky as tears began to stain his cheeks.

"Please don't cry, I'm not gonna be mean to you." Jahseh assured him as he wiped away his tears. "I would never hurt one of my friends." Stokeley's eyes lit up from the word. He had never had anyone refer to his as their friend before. For some odd reason, it made him feel special.

"Friend? Are you sure you wanna be friends with me?" Jahseh nodded happily before pulling him into a tight hug.

"Of course I wanna be friends with you why wouldn't I?" For once during their whole interaction, Stokeley began to smile. This was the happiest he's felt in a while. "You wanna play tag with me and my other friends? I think they'd like to play with you too."

"Sure," And with that, the two boys went to go join the others in a game of tag. Stokeley couldn't be happier thanks to Jahseh. He was glad that someone had finally decided to be nice to him.

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