You Belong To Me

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"I don't want anything else baby, I only want you

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"I don't want anything else baby, I only want you."

⋆ ✧ ✩playboiuzi✩ ✧⋆

A/N: I made this for @NauJourlildaddy. Sorry for making you wait! ʕ '•̥̥̥ •̥̥̥'ʔ


Jordan let out a sigh, a letter gripped tightly in his hand while he held a candle in the other. "Please accept my offering Lilith, I give it truthfully and willingly." He recited, making sure not to bend the letter as he set it ablaze. "May the light of this candle burn brightly and guide your son to me." Jordan watched as the letter continued to burn, trying his best to clear his mind in order for the ritual he was performing to work correctly.

He sat in silence, his anxiety building up as he waited for an entity to arrive. Jordan had no idea of the possible danger he was getting himself into. Due to his carelessness, he didn't bother to look at the risks associated with the ritual beforehand; all he knew was that he was summoning a demon.

After waiting for a while, Jordan grew impatient. What was taking the entity so long to arrive? Was it possible that Jordan had made an error while executing the ritual? He turned his attention to the candle's bright orange flame in attempts to drown out his feelings of anxiety and impatience as he waited.

For a moment, this seemed to be working and as time passed, Jordan began to feel more at ease, his anxiety and impatience slowly but surely fading away. Unfortunately, his tranquility was short lived, within seconds he felt a pair of hands tightening around his throat. Jordan frantically clawed at the hands in attempts to free himself only to be struck with a sudden feeling of weakness. "Let me go!" He cried out, gasping for air as it grew harder to breathe. Cackling filled his ears as he struggled to escape.

"Fuck, you look so pretty with my hands around your throat." A voice spoke, almost as if it were enjoying the sight. The remark sent chills down Jordan's spine, encouraging him to continue fighting. He dug his nails in the wrist of his attacker in attempts to displace its hands, making sure to press them into its skin as hard as he could. Despite his efforts, he remained unable to escape its grasp.

"Who are you and why are you here?"

"Shouldn't you know why I'm here? You summoned me, remember? I'm Symere by the way, what's your name baby?" Jordan shuddered in disgust upon hearing the pet name.

"Don't call me that please, just call me Jordan. Will you let me go now?" Symere thought about it for a moment before releasing his grasp. He watched in amusement as Jordan struggled to catch his breath. "I want you out my house now."

"It's not about what you want, I'm not leaving just because you tell me to." Symere responded as he came from behind Jordan and knelt down before him. "If you want me to leave you would need to give me something in return, I'm not gonna leave for free."

"Wait, I have to give you something?" Jordan asked, his anxiety rising once more. "I have nothing to give you. I'll do anything just please get out my house." The entity began to examine Jordan's features, a smirk slowly forming across his face.

"I'll take you then baby, I want you all to myself." Symere answered. "I wanna
use your body." Jordan was flustered by the request.

"My body?" Symere nodded. "There has to be something else I can give you."

"I don't want anything else baby, I only want you." Jordan opened his mouth to speak only to be cut off by his own hoarse, airy moans as Symere began to litter his neck with dark purple kisses.

"S-Symere, I don't know about this." Jordan stuttered, expressing his discomfort with the idea of Symere using his body. Symere slowly pulled away from his neck.

"Do you want me gone or not?" Jordan did in fact want him gone but he wasn't sure if this was the way to truly get rid of him. Was Symere someone Jordan could trust? Why did Symere want to take him as his offer in the first place?

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