Everything Will Be Okay

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"There's nothing to be afraid of

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"There's nothing to be afraid of."

⋆ ✧ ✩asapuzi ✩ ✧⋆


The wind howled as the ominous black clouds began to release their rain. Soon, bolts of lightning began to illuminate the sky accompanied by the deafening roar of thunder.

Symere hid in the bathroom as the storm continued. Ever since he was a child, storms always seemed to frighten him. He sat on the bathroom floor and began to cry. Awful tremors overtook his body as tears flowed down his cheeks. He wished that the storm would just end. Soon, he heard a gentle knock on the door.

"Baby please come out, you're gonna be okay." Rakim assured him as he waited by the door.

"But I can't!" Symere cried out. It pained Rakim to hear him sob. Every tear was like a stab in the heart to him. He didn't want to see Symere in a state like this.

"Please baby? I don't want you to feel like you have to suffer through this alone. I'll help you." He spoke in his best efforts to make Symere feel safer. He could hear him sniffling on the other side of the door. "Just come to me, we can go through this together."

"It's not safe out there! I don't wanna get hurt again!" He screamed in sheer panic, referring to an instance during his childhood where he had been buried underneath the remains of his house due to a deadly storm. Though the physical damage was moderate, the impact that the event had on him mentally was severe. Sometimes, just hearing the rain hit against the pavement was enough to make him anxious.

"Don't worry Sy, you're not gonna get hurt. The storm should be over soon. You'll be fine." Despite Rakim's attempts of assuring him that everything would be fine, he was still worried.

"B-but it could still hurt us and-" He was cut off mid sentence by his own tears. "I don't want you to get hurt!" As his sobbing continued, he could feel that it was getting harder to breathe. It felt almost as if he were breathing through a straw.

"Baby nothing's gonna happen to us. It's only a small storm, it'll be over before you know it." Rakim began. "And if it makes you feel any better, we can cuddle until it's over." Symere couldn't resist the offer. No matter the situation, cuddling always calmed him down. He unlocked the door and opened it before running into Rakim's arms with tears running down his face. "You're okay now baby. There's nothing to be afraid of." He spoke as he began to wipe away Symere's tears. "I'm gonna help you through this."

"But what if it kills us?" Although this was highly unlikely, it didn't stop Symere from thinking of the possibility. He wished that he could stop worrying about the storm like Rakim had wanted but due to his irrational fear, he simply couldn't. It was impossible for him.

"Like I said before, it's only a small storm, we're gonna live through this, okay?" Rakim picked him up and took him to the room before laying him in the bed. "I'll stay in here with you until it's over." He told him before laying beside him. Symere nodded and began to cuddle him. He buried his face into his chest and continued to cry. "Baby everything is okay, there's no need to cry." Rakim spoke as began to rub his back.

"I don't wanna die, I don't want to lose you!"

"We're gonna be okay Sy, you're not gonna lose me and we're not gonna die. We'll be fine, I promise."

A/N: Sorry this was so short.

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