What? (final part)

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"Wait no, just give me a little more time!"

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"Wait no, just give me a little more time!"

⋆ ✧ ✩uzithecreator✩ ✧⋆

A/N: This was requested by @moonkmajestic! I hope you like it!  ʕʔ


  Symere couldn't help but fill with guilt as he gazed in Tyler's direction. While it wasn't intentional, Symere couldn't help but be upset with himself for hurting him. He couldn't stand seeing him so upset. Why didn't he just say yes?

After leaving the restaurant, the pair have been sitting in nothing but awkward silence. For the past two hours, they have only exchanged quick glances. As bad as Symere wanted to break the silence, he couldn't. He feared that he would only make things worse.

He continued to stare at Tyler before he got up and walked off. Symere could tell that he was still upset with him. "Where are you going?" He questioned worriedly as he got up and followed Tyler. Tyler didn't bother to respond, instead he entered their room and began to grab his belongings. "Tyler?" He only glared over at Symere as he continued to gather his things. "Can we talk about this?"

"There's nothing I wanna talk about right now, please leave me alone." Tyler replied, trying his best to contain his anger as he bagged up his things. While Tyler wasn't too happy with Symere, he didn't want to take his anger out on him. Why would he? There was no good reason for him to do so. Symere ignored his request and continued begging, hoping that Tyler would stop and talk to him.

"Please Tyler? It's been hours since we've talked to each other and I just wanna know how to make the situation better." Tyler sighed as he shook his head.

"No, I already said that I didn't wanna talk to you. I know you just wanna make things better but you can't." Symere wasn't going to take no for an answer. He felt as if he needed to fix the situation; after all, he was the one who messed things up in the first place, right?

"I know there's something I can do, please let me help you baby. I'm sorry for saying no, I just wanted to wait a little longer." Symere explained as he looked down at his shoes. "What can I do to make things right?" Tyler thought for a moment.

"Well, you could leave me the fuck alone." He responded, followed by an eyeroll.

"Baby be serious, I'm just tryna make things right. You know how much it hurts me to see you mad." Tyler zipped up the last of his bags as he grabbed his belongings and hurried out the room, only to be stopped by Symere. "Please don't leave, I'm sorry."

"No, we both obviously want two different things so why even be together? If you're not ready then that's cool, just know that I'm leaving your ass and there's nothing you can do to change that." Symere quickly grabbed Tyler before he could take another step.

"Wait no, just give me a little more time!" Tyler shook his head as he pushed Symere away.

"No, I'm sorry but I'm not waiting any longer. I've waited long enough, I hope you can understand." Tyler flashed him a fake smile as he used Symere's own words against him.

"Baby please!" This time Tyler ignored pleas and made his way to the front door. Was this the right way to handle the situation? Probably not, but Tyler couldn't see himself continuing to be with Symere if he wasn't ready for marriage. To him, it would be strange. "Don't leave me."

Tyler didn't bother to look back. Symere's begs and pleas could be heard as he walked out, making sure to slam the door behind him. All Symere could do was stare at the door in utter shock. Why did he have to mess things up for himself? Why couldn't he just have done what Tyler wanted?

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