Not Yours (pt. 2)

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"You better go find its dad because I'm not helping you!"

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"You better go find its dad because I'm not helping you!"

⋆ ✧ ✩asaptyler + ???✩ ✧⋆

A/N: This is for @awgenization, I hope you like it!! 🥺 Also there's arguing.


"It's not mine? What the fuck you mean it's not mine?" I shouted as I pushed him off of me. "Whose fucking baby is it?" The pain I felt was indescribable, what did I do to deserve this? Was I not good enough for him? Rakim avoided eye contact. A small sigh escaped his lips before he replied.

"I don't know Tyler, that's what I've been trying to figure out." He confessed. "There's three people who could possibly be its father but I'm still looking for him." I glared at him, my mouth agape from a mixture of anger and shock.

"You've been fucking around with three other people while we were together?" I questioned.

"Yes and I'm sorry." He apologized. "I know that I shouldn't have done that and-" I grew tired of his rambling and cut him off mid sentence. Does he really expect me to forgive him?

"I don't care how fucking sorry you are! You cheated on me with three separate people, how hard is it to be loyal Rakim?" I yelled with tears trickling down my cheeks once more.

"Baby I said I was sorry and I meant it, I'm not happy about what I did either.

"Well you could've saved it for the other guys you were fucking with 'cause that sorry didn't mean shit to me!" I spat. "Do you really think a sorry is gonna fix this?"

"Tyler it was only a couple times, it was an accident! Why can't you just understand that!" His tone grew louder as he attempted to defend himself.

"I don't wanna hear your excuses! It doesn't matter how many times it happened it still hurts!"

"I know it hurts and I apologize but I can't go in the past and fix it!"

"There wouldn't be anything to fix if you could keep your fucking legs closed!" I felt betrayed, after spending two years with him this is what he does to me? I could tell that my comment struck a nerve and I could care less. He didn't care about how I felt when he was cheating so why should I care about how he feels now?

"Tyler you don't have to keep reminding me! I know it's my fault and I'm so sorry!" I got more aggravated every time he apologized. "Please forgive me baby! I won't sleep with anyone else, I'll be loyal!" Rakim vowed frantically. I only rolled my eyes.

"You know what? I'm tired of this shit, get the fuck out my house!" He shook his head vigorously.

"But I have no where else to go! You have to help me, please Tyler!"

"You better find its dad because I'm not helping you!" I spat coldly.

"Tyler it's my house too, you can't just kick me out!" He argued. I looked at him as if he were crazy.

"The last time I checked I paid the fucking bills while you just sat on your ass all day!You don't own shit!"

"Baby I'm sorry I'll help you out just please let me stay!" Rakim begged.

"Help me out with what money?"

"Tyler please! I'll get a job! I can't take care of a baby on my own!"

"You don't have to, get the fuck out my house and find its dad!" I grew tired of going back and forth with him. If he didn't leave in the next few seconds things were going to get worse than they already were. I wasn't in the mood to play with him.

"What if they don't want anything to do with the baby? Then what? I have to raise it on my own!" I felt no empathy for him, it was impossible to. How could I feel bad for someone like him?

"That's a personal problem now get out my house before we have an issue." I threatened him. He didn't bother to argue any longer. He made his way to the front door and I followed. "I'll put your shit on the porch and you can get it tomorrow." I told him before practically shoving him out the door. Pregnant or not he still broke my heart and I'll never forgive him for that.

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