Chapter 13 Bad Reminder

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I made my way into town and towards the hardware store, when I walked through the door it caused heads to turn as they gawked at me.
"Snow! Right on time! Follow me," the store manager said as he lead me to where they were chopping wood.
"Here's your work uniform," he said showing me a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, I raised an eyebrow at him before turning and seeing that everyone else had on t-shirts and jeans.

"I'll need a pair of jeans," I growled.
The man said,"This is the uniform, everyone wheres there own jeans."

Stepping into the bathroom I quickly changed out of my shirt into the yellow one, but left on the jeans I wore to the store. Stepping out I grabbed an ax and making my way to the back where there were fewer men. My black and white streaked hair had grown longer, it was just below my shoulder. I pulled it up into a ponytail and set a piece of wood on the table.
"Hey maybe you should get back to the kitchen, girly," I heard a voice shout behind me causing me to whip around.
There were three guys who were smirking at each other, I let out  low snarl to where only they could hear and slammed my axe down onto the wood block. It splintered immediately.

Their eyes widened as the distinct scent of urine and fear emitted from them.
"Since you don't know how to hold your bladder maybe you need to be potty trained," I said a sly smirk coming onto my features as they turned and ran off.
Turning back to the wood, I began chopping and that's how I spent the rest of my day with nobody bothering me. Once work was done I made my way back to home, when I got back to home I saw that Dusk and Echo just ran into the yard.
They shouted as they walked inside,"It looked deserted, we should all go together sometime soon." Echo's horse was a silver mare with white hooves.

I snorted as I stalked into the house and began to make myself a sandwich when a memory of Ghost ran through my mind.

I ran through the forest with Ghost running beside me, I skidded to a stop as I shoved Ghost behind me as an unfamiliar scent reached my nose. A large male stalked into the clearing and locked his gaze on me, his eyes sparking with interest until they landed on Ghost where his lips pulled back into a snarl. I growled and crouch in front of Ghost protectively as he leaped forward and bit into my shoulder. I snarled and scratched at his face as he attempted to meneuver me so Ghost was wide open.

I lodged my jaws into the side of his neck causing him to release me and jump back, his claws lashed out in order to hit my side. I snarled through the pain and leaped forward to lock my jaws around his leg, tightening my grip until I heard a sickening crack. He let out a yowl and took off leaving Ghost and I alone. I turned towards her as she watched me with teary eyes.
"What's wrong?" I asked as I curled my tail around her.

"You got hurt because of me," she sobbed causing me to shake my head and let a rare, soft smile to grace my features.
"Even if it means to fight to the death. I will protect you. You are my cub," I purred giving her a comforting lick on top of her head.
She nodded and wiped away her tears as I led her back to our tree.
End Of Flashback**

"Snow!" a shout broke through my thoughts as I looked down to see I had crushed a glass in my hand while I was lost in my thoughts.
"What's wrong with you?" Dusk snapped, unusually angry, as she took the glass out of my palm and quickly wrapped it.
I clenched my hand and swallowed the pain as it took away my thoughts of Ghost, I walked outside and quickly shifted into my fur, not caring about my clothes. Once I was in my fur I took off into the woods in attempt to run away from the memories, I was soon running up a familiar mountian.

I leaped into the cabin and scented the air, no one was there, or so I thought. I made my way into a random bedroom and found a large t-shirt and a pair of boxers. Not caring where I was I changed back and sat down on a large bed, my thoughts were on Ghost as unknown tears dripped down my face as I stared down at my hands; clenching and unclenching them.
"Before you enter an unknown house you should check whose it is before you change," a familiar voice spoke from the door causing me to jerk my head up.

Nikolais smirk quickly changed into worry as he saw my face, I leaped into my feet and attempted to walk past him when he grabbed my arm and jerked me to face him. I glared up at him.
"Release me," I hissed as I attempted to jerk my arm out of his hold with no avail.
"You are not in any condition to go out there and roam around!" he snapped causing me to try and jerk from him once more.
"Why do you care?!" I snapped as he said nothing more, he just jerked me against his chest and enveloped me in a hug.

A sob escaped as I clenched his shirt and let the sobs rack through me. He did nothing other than rub my back in attempt to comfort me. I heard a stomp of boots as Strider's scent reached my nose, I clenched my eyes shut and just wanted to stay in Nikolais warm embrace.
"Woah! Sorry didn't know you had company!" Strider said as his footsteps soon receded further into the house.

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