Chapter 20 Thank You for Being There

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I sat by Snow's bedside still sobbing. How could I have been so angry at my closest friend ever? I could barely remember what happened after I saw Snow with the scythe.
"I didn't feel angry and then a second later I did." I told Mountain, who just entered the room and began quizzing me.
Mountain stared at me, like he does when he is calculating the probabilities of what happened and could happen.
"Hmm, I think...." he trailed off and began mumbling to himself as he did when he was keeping something from me.
"What is it?" I asked leaning closer to him.
"Oh nothing," he said leaving the room.

Suddenly, I had an idea. As soon as Mountain was out of earshot I started to focus. I pictured a healing plant in my mind and a small one grew in my hand. I smiled and ran into the kitchen grabbed a bowl of hot water and ran back to Snow's room. I made a syrupy liquid by mixing the plant's leaves and water and a bit of sugar together. I put it into Snow's mouth and she sputtered and coughed.
"Ugh, is it Hawk's turn to cook already? He is a horrible cook. This tastes like puke and grass! His usual." she said suddenly.
She blinked then seemed to remember what happened and glared at me.
I was laughing at her remark and bawling my eyes out about what I did to her at the same time, which caused Mountain to run into the room and say,"What on Earth is all this noise and.... Snow?" He looked astonished and I explained to him what I did and explained (apologized for is more like it) what happened with Echo and the scythe.

I noticed Mountain was being quiet so I asked,"So, why was I so.... enraged?"
Mountain looked up and quickly looked down.
He sighed and finally responded,"Well, it seems that...."
He was interrupted by a shout from Strider and Nikolai in the 'fortress' next door (we are in the cabin).
Mountain left and shouted as he ran,"Is it them again?"
Snow and I sat in silence for a while. Then, Swift slipped into the room and turned around coaxing someone behind her inside also. It was Rubix who timidly followed. Swift flashed her emerald eyes around outside the room then closed the door.
She looked at me for a long while, then said,"I have to tell you something that no one can know."
I urged her to continue. "Well, Jay and Echo came here to get close to everybody and then tell Boss about everything. Me, Rubix, Chester, and Reed were also sent here for the same reason."
I stared at her open mouthed and asked,"Why are you telling me?"
She looked at her feet for a moment then finally responded,"Well, I was never really a willing recruit. Neither was Rubix. So this was sort of our chance to be on your side. This is a huge threat to all people not just us and its not some tiny group of researchers that accidently created a group a were-animals."
I said,"But, I thought it was just an accident made by a group of researchers."
Snow shifted behind me and said,"Well, whether we thought that or not, we are wrong. Listen I am not an overly acceptive person, but she was on the inside and I feel like we can trust her."
I nodded and gestured for Swift to continue.
"Anyway," she said,"The researchers thought they were a tiny group and all this was on accident, but really Boss had them create us on purpose to breed an army that would take over the world for him. It sounds like a fairy tale but its true, Boss has created an army armed with swords and of course powers. He hasn't made a move though because so any have been changing sides. Chester is ok and Reed won't admit it , but I think he is fine too."
I nodded and asked,"Wait what does your 'boss' look like?"
Swift explained a perfect description of HIM.
"What is his name?" I asked.
"Dario." she said.
Just then Chester said,"Swift! I can't get this stupid pan into the oven."
Swift sighed,"Really it's leterally a clay oven, the best of our time."
Swift left and Rubix followed.
"Snow, you tired?" I asked.
She nodded so I left the room and walked into my own.

Strider stepped into the room and said,"Umm. I wanted to talk to you."
I gestured for him to come in and he closed the door behind him. He came and sat down on the bed next to me.
"Mountain said that he is close to figuring out what happend with Snow and you." he said, but I could tell that's not what he came for.
I raised an eyebrow as he wrapped his arm around me and I leaned my head on his chest.
I looked up at him as he said,"I really have no idea how to tell you, but...."
I don't know how it happened. Our lips met, but soon I pulled away and looked into his eyes.
He enveloped me in a tighter hug and then said,"I'm sorry." Just then, there was a knock at the door.
Mountain's voice said,"May I come in?"
Strider and I reluctantly separated and I called,"Come in."
Mountain entered the room looked at us and he laughed and laughed. Strider left the room awkwardly and Mountain sat down in a chair next to my bed.
I smiled and he explained that I had gotten so angry at Snow because of a brainwashing tequnique used by Jay.
As, Mountain left the room he said,"Strider is a good guy."
I sighed and flopped back on my bed and soon fell into a deep sleep.

I was awakened by a knock on my door, it was Snow. She smiled walked in and sat down.
"So.. I heard that you have something going with someone. Spill." she said.
I put on a surprised look trying to not let her know, I did pretty good. I convinced (distracted) her that Nikolai had been talking to me a lot because he wanted me to find out if she liked him, which was technically true because he had asked me that. I could tell Snow was excited underneath her layers of, well, Snowness. She liked Nikolai, I wasn't going to tell him that though. I was going to let him sweat a bit.
We were called to breakfast so I shooed Snow away while I changed. When I entered the room the only place left was next Strider. I blew up my long side bangs, blinked slowly, and forced my feet foreward, at least Mountain would sit on my other side. When I sat down Mountain poked me in the side so I turned to face him.
"Hey, Strider looks a little dreamy." he said, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Have you told anyone?" I asked.
"Nobody," he said.
"Oh by the way, I was setting up teams to inspect the fortress, and... you and Strider happened to be the last people left so you're on a team. You guys have to inspect the back of it," he added.
My eyes narrowed and I whispered,"You are doing this on purpose, I know it, but since it's done I must know, did you at least do the same to Snow and you-know-who?"
He nodded, that helped a little. It wasn't that I didn't like Strider, it was still just a little awkward.

The moment came.
"Inspection time!" said Mountain.
"You all know where to go." he added.
Off I went, Strider a foot or so to my right. I sighed, relieved, no awkward Strider today. Or so I thought. When we were at the back of the fortress it changed.
"Umm, about yesterday, sorry." Strider said, still awkward.
I didn't know how to respond, but in the end I said,"Its OK, I actually like you."
That was it, a different side of Strider came out much like last night.
He said,"I have feelings for you, I..I like you a lot and.... just thanks for being there for me."





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