Chapter 14 The Start of a Beautiful Friendship

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Dusk's P.O.V.

I worried about Snow, but I tried to convince myself my harsh words hadn't effected her.
I sighed and called to Echo,"I am going out, I will be back later."
"Tell Mountain," I added.
I went into town, picked up a boat-load of food, and hurried home. I unloaded the dishes and food and plates, etc, that I had gotten and ran outside. I shifted as soon as I was in the snow and charged up a mountain that I had seen Snow go up. I soon smelled her scent and followed it to a cabin that I had seen before.

I entered it cautiously, then heard two male voices talking in a room near the door. I tiptoed down a hall way and opened the door at the end of it and saw a sleeping Snow. I shifted and was about to enter the room when I heard footsteps coming down the hall towards me. I slid into a bedroom I hadn't noticed before and hid on the side of the bed opposite the door. It was at that moment I realized my problem. I was only wearing a tank top and very short shorts. I left my house fully dressed but shifting made my clothing rip. I was lucky I always wore a tank top and short shorts that reappear when I shift. I was so worried of being found like this that the thought of shifting slipped my mind. Luckily the footsteps disappeared into a different room. A few moments later they left again. I was safe, no person would find me. However, there were more footsteps. They came and entered the room where I was hidden. I held my breath as the footsteps came towards the bed then over towards where I was hiding.

A face came into vision, it was Strider's.
He approached me and said,"Well, somebody is here that shouldn't be."
His face took on a look of surprisement and he said,"It's kind of cold to be wearing that isn't it?"
I snarled, but it didn't sound threatening. I wasn't overly confident when I was half dressed.
"Leave this room, I don't want you in here at the moment, or ever," I finished disgustedly.
"Alright," he replied.
"But, I thought  you would need this," he finished holding up a pair of jeans and a bra.
He smirked and added as he threw them at me,"Nikolai got them since Snow knew you were here somehow."
He shrugged.
"Well, aren't you gonna leave or turn around or something so I can change?" I snapped.
"If I did I would miss out...." he trailed off being sarcastically hesitant then finished.
"Hmmm, I could sell tickets.... but I suppose I will turn around."
I snarled at him and he smirked. I nervously removed my tank top and reached for the bra. Strider constantly began to turn around but stopped before he could actually see me.
After changing, I walked up to him and said,"Jerk!"
I slapped him on the head before asking,"Is Snow alright?"
His reply was,"Yep, she's in the kitchen eating some food."
I returned,"Obviously she is eating food, what else would she eat?"
He gave me a sloppy smile and said,"Nice try, you gotta work on those jokes though."

I entered the kitchen with Strider and saw Snow.
I smiled broadly and said,"So you sent Nikolai off to find me an outfit?"
She nodded and I asked, puzzled,"How did you know I was here?"
I already guessed how but I wanted to hear her explanation.
She answered,"I knew you would feel bad and follow me."
I rolled my eyes at her matter-of-fact tone and sat down at Strider and Nikolai's table.
Stider said,"Ahh, delicious and very fancy, PB &J."
After giving me a fake grin he set a sloppily made sandwich before me. I soon finished the sandwich and I blurted out what I had been trying not to,"We are like you."
I stopped, cringed, and looked over to Snow and was surprised. She wasn't angry, in fact, she seemed relieved.
"May I?" I asked Snow.
She nodded so I went on,"We are skin-changers, I am a wolf and Snow is a snow leopard."
They nodded and I asked,"You are a bear?"
I gestured towards Nikolai.
"And you are a tiger?" I said gesturing to Strider.
They nodded, I took a deep breath, glanced at Snow, then plunged on,"Well, we have...."
I hesitated,"Well.... powers."
I looke straight into each of their eyes and asked,"Do you?"
Nikolai looked uncomfortable and so did Strider.
After a moment, Strider said,"Yes."
I looked at him expectantly so he continued,"I have fire and he has darkness."
He gestured toward Nikolai. I burst out into laughter and everyone stared at me.
I said, trying to contain myself,"Oh, oh, Strider is Nikolai's light in his darkness, and it is literally Nikolai's darkness!"
Nikolai glared at me and Strider smirked a little, but Snow had a different reaction. For the first time in forever ( more like ever) Snow began laughing.
She said,"I am laughing cause you were so confident that was clever, except it wasn't clever at all really."
I blushed and said,"Well, at least I wasn't found at my boyfriend's house in his clothing."
"He is not my boyfriend!"
That hit the right spot and she scowled at me.
Then she retorted,"Well, at least I wasn't hidden in my boyfriend's room half dressed."
Suddenly, out of nowhere, I had a memory.


I was on my way to my den thinking about my little rascal Widow when I smelled a strange scent. Then I heard a yelp.
"Widow!" I screamed.
There was no answer then I heard a voice like Widow's say,"You haven't found me. You don't careee."  
It sounded eerie and ghost-like. After the voice was gone I had a picture of an evil looking man flash through my mind.
Not knowing why, I screamed,"It's Him!"

End of memory*******

That was it, for the first time I began to cry softly, it was from the thought of Widow and seeing that face and embarrassment. I was more sensitive than I would like to be. Strider looked over at Snow with a glare on his face then he looked at me with a look of fondness and concern. That didn't help, my embarrassment increased. I ran out of the house to sit and think and let my stress and embarrassment drain away. 

I sat and tried to relax, it didn't help me any. I felt a strange sensation then a vine sprouted from the ground and a flower bloomed on it. The flower felt comforting, almost familiar. As I was sitting, Strider came out and sat on the ground beside me, curiously eyeing the flowering vine.
"Did you make that?" he asked.
"I guess," I replied.
"It's um, very beautiful," he said, but no longer was he looking at the vine.
"I had a memory, but it seemed twisted, like it was not quite what actually happend." I said.
He looked at me like he was concerned and interested.
I continued,"But.... the worst part was when I saw..... HIM."
I shuddered, though I didn't know why He scared me so much. Strider looked puzzled.
"Who is HIM?" he asked.
My tears came back into my eyes as I said,"I don't even know who HE is, but I know he is real and dangerous and somehow connected with me.... and you and Snow and Nikolai, everyone who is like us."
Strider sighed and scratched the back of his neck.
"You think I am babbling ridiculous stories don't you?" I asked.
"Of course not, I believe you are right," he sounded sincere.
I looked at him in wonder, he believed me? Strider gave me a half smile and pulled me into a hug. After kissing me on the forehead, we sat in silence for a while.





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