Chapter 16 Battle

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Dusk's P.O.V.

"Snow!" I yelled as a twin leaped at her. 
I had no time to help her, but then I heard a screech above me it sounded like an owl.
"Mountain, Snow is hurt," I managed to shout  before a cheetah leaped at me.
The cheetah had strange white eyes, that within held a look of evil and hatred. Just before his assault, I shifted. 
"You shall bow!" he shouted, repeating the other's calls.
"No I won't!" I shouted defiantly in the cheetahs face.
I suddenly felt a blow to my side, the cheetah had wind powers. I let out a yelp as I fell to the ground. But, after shifting and taking a deep breath, I let a vine coil around my arm, a blue flower sprouted on the end of it.
When the cheetah saw this he let out a burst of laughter and said mockingly,"Oh, oh dear, a flower run for your lives."
I grinned at him, what he didn't know was this flower had poisonous pollen. I shoved the flower in his face. He froze for a moment then swayed dizzily on his paws, he let out a choked breath and fell to the ground unconscious.

Moments after an eagle dived towards me. I ducked quickly and did a somersault, landing to face my opponent, who was just shifting in front of me. I stare him in the eye, he raised his eyebrow then turned and attacked a leopard he had arrived with, letting bolts, of what looked like lightning or electricity, fly from his hands. The leopard shifted and looked surprised at the eagle standing in front of her, she swayed for a moment and fell. However, moments later she recovered, letting a ball of light  fly from her hand. I had little time to watch, for a lioness leaped at me. I dodged and a large vine wrapped around my arm, it sprouted thorns of steal. I gracefully dodged the lioness' balls of fire and let the vine I held harden into wood. I used the, now wooden, vine to catupult myself onto a surprised lioness. I hesitated, saddened at what I had to do, and let a vine strangle the lioness. She let out one last screech, then fell.

I leapt away from the body and saw Snow, who recovered from a twin's blow, with occasional help from Mountain, still skillfully warding away the twin panthers. I looked over towards Nikolai and Strider. Nikolai was battling with a leopard and Strider with a.... wolf? I was sad to see one of my own kind turned evil, but I still knew it had to be done. 

I charged over to Snow and helped her with her fight against the twin panthers. One stared me in the eyes and hurled a ball of boiling water at me. I focused and a flimsy wall of vines sprouted, protecting me from most of the water. I jumped up and shot a glare at the panther then charged. I had, what looked like a solar system of rocks, orbiting my hand as I ran towards the panther. Suddenly, the panther became a young girl with two red eyes and short black hair. I threw a ball of stone at her and she tried to block it with a sheet of water. However, the stone went through the water and hit her square on the face knocking her unconscious. I looked around and saw a panther, wolf, and cheetah escape, while the others seemed to disintegrate. I saw Echo appear out of nowhere with a worried look on her face.
"What happened?" she questioned.
I almost wanted to shout at her. She just happened to show up after a battle. Strider and Nikolai packed their stuff and we all went to Snow's, Mountain's, and my cabin. The strange eagle I had seen before was gone.

When we arrived at the cabin and everyone had entered, but me, a bird landed before and became a person. I recognized him as the eagle I had seen in battle. He was tall and had dark skin, black hair, and ice blue eyes. He raised an eyebrow at me and took a step closer to me.
He said,"My name is Hawk."
I looked at him closely and asked,"Why did you come to attack us, then turn on the ones you came with?"
Hawk sighed and there was an awkward moment of silence between us. We were strangers and we were in a battle together. I was still suspicious about him, but I was inclined to believe he could be trusted. I sighed deeply and ran a hand through my long silver hair.
"Come inside and explain everything," I told him.
We entered the cabin and Snow looked like she might kill me. No doubt she would have, had there not been anyone else in the house. I shrugged and gave a 'smile' that meant something like: what was I supposed to do? Hawk sat down and began his story.

He said,"I was at one point a normal eagle, but a black thing......," he paused, thinking then continued,"A helicopter, that is, carried me away to a building. It appears that our leader has much more advanced things than the people everywhere else. In the building they had me fly, pull something around, and, um, well, fly a lot more."
We all nodded, knowingly at him.
Hawk continued,"Well, when I became a personanimalthingymajigger, I was taken to a room. In that room was a man, he had one red eye......" he trailed off for a moment,"I think his right one, that seemed to pierce my heart with fear," he shuddered and went on," He spoke to me of a group like me that was ungrateful for being changed...... it felt like he hypnotized me and etched everything into my mind and I just had to listen."
Then he brightened up and said,"It was then he sent me and the group of personanimalth..."
I interuppted him as he began his good, but too long name for us, and said,"Shifters."
Then Snow added,"Or flipsiders."
Hawk nodded and continued,"He sent me and the group of flipshifters attack you."
Snow asked,"Why are you so happy about that?"
Hawk said,"I'm getting to that. Anyway, when I saw how you all had no fear and fought, not only for yourselves, but each other that I sort of snapped out of my brainwashedism and realized which side I wanted to be on."
At the end of his story I saw that he had a glistening sheet of tears in his eyes. I knew he could be trusted so I said,"Snow, break down the wall at the back of the cabin and add more rooms, a lot more. This house will be a fortress once we are done. Oh, and talk to your manager about giving me a job at the store; we're all going to have to pitch in for this project."
Everyone stared at me in surprise, all except Mountain that is, he gave me a smile of approval.
I added,"But, for now let's make a bed in the living room for Hawk and Snow pick the rooms that Strider and Nikolai are gonna sleep in. Ok," I said as nobody moved, but Mountain.
He said,"You heard her, snap to it."
After that, everyone did. However, it was late so we all went to bed, after Snow picked the rooms.

"Snooooooow!!!!!!!" I growled.
"Yooou......" I trailed off as I stormed outside, pulling on a sweater as I went.
I found her with a bunch of tools and stuff on the ground. She seemed to be picking out a few as I walked up to her.
She grinned at me and asked,"Whaat?"
I glared at her and said,"You know what. You literally put Strider in my room."
She looked at me and said,"Really, I put him in the room next to you."
I sighed and retorted,"The room you partially broke the wall down that separated the bathroom in my room from the, formerly empty, room so it would be a 'Jack and Jill' bathroom."
She was about to reply when I added,"At least you could have moved in there."
Snow said,"But, I am a girl so I couldn't be the 'Jack' on the other side."
I glared at her and shouted,"Well, now you're a Jack..... I won't say anything to insult you more than you," at that I poked her in the chest,"Are an annoying person."
She grinned and said,"I try my hardest."
I stormed off and told the whole thing to Mountain, but all he did was laugh and laugh. Pretty soon I had cooled off and was laughing at myself too, I could just close my door to the bathroom and it would be fine. When I thought that I had an idea.

I heard a screech erupt from the room across the hall from mine; Snow's room.
"Dusk!!!" she fumed.
"Where are you?"
She entered my room and said,"You put a window from Nikolai's room through the wall, with your stupid vines, that points directly at my dresser, where I change and brush my hair and stuff!"
I smiled and said,"Yep," and that was all.
Then she saw the door that had let Strider into the bathroom, boarded up.
She glared at me and I said,"He wanted it too, so now he'll be sharing the guest bathroom with Hawk."
I smiled at Snow and she left the room.
I told myself sloud,"Ok, Nikolai's room is across from Strider's and their rooms are at the end of the hallway. Snow's is across from mine and I am on the left of Mountain and the right of Strider, while Snow is on the left of Nikolai's and the right of Echo's room, which is across from Mountain's room. Hawk is in the living room."
I thought it through in my mind and continued aloud,"Snow, Mountain, and I have personal bathrooms, while Hawk and Strider share a guest bathroom, which means Nikolai and Echo share a guest bathroom as well."  

After drawing a sketch of the lay out of the current house and a layout of how the house, after adding on, was going to look, I left my room and walked to the hardware store that I was going to work at. I found a uniform, it consisted of skinny jeans and a yellow long-sleeved t-shirt. I asked the manager,"Can I where a short sleeved shirt, since it will get to hot in this?"
He said,"Sure, I'll be right back."
He came back with a shirt and I said,"Yes, thank you."
I smiled and pulled on the t-shirt over my shirt, then pulled my long silver hair into a messy bun and found Snow.





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