Chapter 3, Captured

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Dusk's P.O.V.

At dawn I felt no better, Widow was still gone and I had to find him. I ate a squirrel and did a quick patrol around my land. Seeing nothing new, I focused on finding Widow. I smelled the wind for the strange smell that No Furs left. It lead me away, hopefully towards Widow.

I trotted quickly through the forest for a long while then I stopped dead in my tracks. The scent led me to the drop I despised so much. The scent had to lead me to a sheer precipice, I started to panic what if Widow was down there, she might be dead.
"Dead or alive though I have to find her," I said to myself. I had a sudden feeling that I'd be alright I took a deep breath and jumped.

I fell onto a hard platform made of entwined tree branches. I looked down, which was a mistake, because I saw NOTHINGNESS below me. It was terrifying. I then nervously looked to my left side and saw a small ledge that had roots like a roof above it, much like my den. I lept down on top of the tunnel and found a hole in front of me, I slid inside of it and began to follow it. As I was walked along the tunnel I found a small area that had a stream running through it. The ground was fertile and there was a small hole in the tunnel that made an entrance/ exit as well as a window. I found a nook made of vines and decided to sleep on it for the night. I was forced to eat berries because there was nothing else to eat. In truth, they weren't that bad but I would prefer fresh meat. I slept soundly in the cozy little area and awoke refreshed. I started my journey once again.

I exited the tunnel through the window-like whole and found a small path lead down from the ledge so I followed it to the bottom. As I walked out of the tunnel I realized how cold outside was compared to inside. At first I was chilled but my thick coat warmed me up. The snow fell thickly as I followed my scent still fresh from yesterday. At one point the snow fell more softly and I realized that I had entered a forest.

I felt uneasy in the forest, like I was being watched. I saw an odd glint of light, like a reflection. I couldn't find the source of the flash so I ignored it. As I was about to exit the clearing I KNEW something was wrong. I turned to run and saw a cage wall. I was trapped in a steel cage. The scent of No Furs was strong in the air, it reminded me of Widow so I bared my teeth and a ferocious growl tore from my throat.
"This is the one, for sure," said a No Fur. He walked to the cage and rattled it. I calmly walked to the opposite wall and sat the No Fur followed me to the cage bars and taunted me once more. He started off cautiously then carelessly he stuck his hands through bars and began slapping me triumphantly in different places. I saw my plan working, at last he aimed a haughty blow for my snout. That was it! I bit his hand so hard a stream of cursing flowed from his lips and blood gushed out of the deep gashes. I then saw a black thing land and felt a prick. I was about to whirl around when everything went black.

I awoke with two No Furs leaning on the cage I was in. They didn't seem to notice me so I walked up behind them bit them. I yanked my head back from the bars and growled at them.
"I thought she wasn't spose t' wake up fer an hour," shouted one man angrily at the other.
"She wasn't that's what 'e said," he shouted back.
They both painfully walked inside a building and came out with some ointment for their wounds. I sat in the middle of the cage so no one could prick me again, which started the ridiculous slobs arguing again.
One man said, " Well go in the cage and prick 'er, we have t' move 'er somehow."
" I ain't gonna go in there with th' crazed wolf, you go risk gettin' aten," replied the other.
I was happy I had caused the slobs to argue, it was entertaining to hear them talking with there bad grammar.

Eventually they decided to ship me in the same cage. Before they went inside they tossed me some nasty crunchy stuff that tasted like salt. After they ate their lunch they hooked my cage to an amazingly thick cord. Then I heard a loud noise that came closer and closer, it was made by a black thing's big spinning branches that pulled it into the sky. The No Furs opened a large hook on the end of the cord and waved at the black thing. The black thing landed and a No Fur got out.
"I was supposed to ship that other type of cage over there," he said as he gestured towards a smaller crate.
"Well we can't inject her," said another.
"Mmm hmm, ok, whatever, I'll tow it there for some extra cash," he said with a sly smile on his face. The other man handed him some green paper and said,"That is all y' gettin."
The surly fellow took the hook and atached it to his black thing then began to spin the tree branches from inside.

The black thing lifted off the ground and in a moment my cage did too. Soon I was in the sky high above the ground. I looked down, which was a mistake, cause I saw NOTHINGNESS. I was so terrified I almost wished they had pricked me so I wouldn't know where I was. Suddenly, my cage tilted to the side and I was thrown against the bars. I could see through the cracks in the cage, I fainted and did not awaken for quite some time.

I awoke in a large cage with food on the ground in front of me. It was, thankfully, real food, delicious rabbit, but I got no time to enjoy it, after one bite I knew my mistake. I felt a prick and everything went black.

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