Chapter 18 The Additions

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Dusk's P.O.V.

A strange group of seven trudged through a snowy, mountain forest being lead by a short girl with blonde hair. I was ahead of Snow in sixth place, while in front of me was Strider, who wouldn't leave me alone (annoying), in front of him was Hawk and in front of Hawk was Nikolai. Mountain followed Echo, the blonde who lead us.
I whispered to Snow,"Well, we blend in."
Snow gave me a grin and I slowed my pace so we could walk side by side.

Snow, all the sudden, said,"I have a suspicion about Echo." I stared at her surprised, Echo was a loyal friend. Wasn't she? I asked,"You're not kidding, at all?" Snow shook her head and I sighed. "Uh, do you think she is like, a traitor?" I asked. Snow said,"Well, yeah."
I said,"I know what you mean, but she wouldn't betray us."
Snow looked at me and said,"Suuure, ookaay."
I glared at her and complained,"My feet are sore and you so are annoying!" We went on bickering and forgot about Echo.


*****Strider's P.O.V.******

"Shut up!" I shouted.
"Never!" replied Nikolai, who, for some reason, was showing his more humorous and playful (ish) side.
"Ugh, stop arguing it's annoying," I heard Dusk say from behind me.
I was about to say No when Nikolai turned and said,"Aww, can't say no to your special friend."
"Ptsh, it isn't like I like her," I said.
Nikolai rolled his eyes and turned away from me, I sighed. I really did have feelings for Dusk, especially after moving in with her. She had a take-charge attitude and she came up with good ideas. I tried to picture our fortress in my mind and I pictured a beautiful compound filled with bright colours and lots of rooms filled with young and old shifters. It would be perfect, especially when we actually finished the fortress. Slowly, but surely, my mind turned towards the thought of Dusk; maybe when this Him dude was gotten rid of I'll have a chance to talk to her alone. I sighed, how could I share my feelings with her?

******Dusk's P.O.V.******

"Oh, Dusk, are we there yet?" Snow asked me, like she had been asking constantly just to annoy me.
"No!" I replied.
But just then Echo said,"We're here."
I exhaled defeated and saw a large warehouse before us. We snuck in easily, almost too easily, and found a group of shifters inside. There was a raccoon, a fox, a lion, a thrush and an antelope. They all shifted into people and looked at us suspiciously, but when they saw Echo they relaxed.
"Uh, I'm Jay. My friends and I have been taken captive," the thrush said as he stepped forward.
Echo exclaimed, rather cheerfully, "Well, we are here to set you free."
The fox introduced herself,"My name is Swift." 
The antelope introduced himself next saying, "I am Reed."
"My name is Rubix," said the raccoon, the four came with us willingly and we were soon on our way home.
I felt a sense of suspicision and decided to confide with Snow later. It was just too easy.
The raccoon, Rubix, was about 5'6, had dirty-blonde hair, hazel eyes, pale skin, and looked only about 15. I was surprised at how young she was. The thrush, Jay, was quite opposite, he had black hair, brown eyes, was about my height at 6'1, and had darker skin. Reed had greyish hair, blue eyes, pale skin, and was about 6'0.
"Since we are doing introductions, my name is Chester," said the lion, he had light golden hair, blue eyes, and was about 5'11.
Swift was the most different, she had emerald eyes, red hair with white highlights, a medium skin tone, and was about 5'10.

Jay and I hit it off immediately. He was likeable and outgoing. I talked to him almost the whole way home, which appeared to displease Strider.
Jay said,"So, what's your favourite colour? I know it's basic, but it's a good start."
He smiled at me as I said,"Hmmm, blue. What's yours?"
"Oh, I think green, like spring grass. You know? The really soft beautiful kind," he sighed as he finished his reply.
"I agree that is a good choice, it's hard to decide," I said.
We chatted and asked each other questions as we walked.

******Strider's P.O.V.******

I puffed, annoyed, as I listened to Jay and Dusk converse. Jay just hit it off with her cause he was a persuasive guy, he didn't really do it cause he liked her as a person. I fidgeted and and bit my lips as I heard the conversation go on behind me.
Jay would say stuff like,"What do you like to do?" or "What does the cabin look like?"
I tried to convince my self I wasn't jealous and Jay was just obnoxious, but inside I knew I was just jealous. I made up my mind to talk to Dusk alone when we got home. Since we were a mile or so away I tried talking Nik to distract myself.

******Dusk's P.O.V.******

We were in sight of the cabin so I told Jay, as I pointed,"Look, our cabin is over there."
Jay said,"Not to be rude, but it looks kind of, well, under construction."
I replied,"Well, it is, so no harm done."
Jay asked curiously,"What are you doing to it?"
I replied,"Well, we are having a lot more people move in so I came up with the idea of expanding it. We aren't really working on it. I have been working on a sketch of it though."
Jay said,"Wow, sounds cool. Could I see your sketch when we get there?"
I nodded and said,"Well here we are."
In the few moments we had been talking we arrived at the cabin. Jay, Rubix, Swift, and Reed settled in well.
Snow refused to share her room with anyone, but me. So, she shared with me and I convinced her to allow Swift to share also. After picking rooms, Mountain began making a large dinner and everyone sat around getting to know each other.
I called to Jay,"Hey, come here let me show you the sketch."
Jay smiled and followed me into my room. I plopped onto my bed and Jay sat next to me.
"Well, here it is," I said pulling an opened sketch pad out of my drawer.
"Its no masterpiece, but it'll suffice for building, we are all pretty imaginative." I told him.
Jay studied the picture for a minute then stared at me. After putting away the sketch pad, I stared at him right back.
I said,"You are a very interesting person."
"Okaaay," he said making a funny face to go with his funny voice.
He rolled his eyes and said,"I'm gonna go get to know everyone."
He stopped right at the door turned around and in a dramatic voice said,"I will find you."
"Hilarious," I said as I rolled my eyes.
Jay stuck out his tongue and left. I fell back on my bed and just lay there for a while then I felt kind of stuffy and left the room. I went outside and began to walk through the woods.

I walked at times and jogged at times. I had gone pretty far, when I saw a familiar sight. My throat tightened, it was the cliff that I hated so much. It still scared me even after the wonder of the vine tunnel. I longed to see it for some reason and edged closer to the drop till I was at the brink. Not too far below, I saw the tree with the branches that formed a platform growing on a small ledge. To the left of the platform tree was the tunnel of vines. I jumped down to the platform and fell on my behind because my boots slid under me on the icy branch platform.
I took a deep breath and climbed down towards the tunnel, when I reached a hole on top to enter I slid inside. I had to bend over some to walk in it. Once my eyes got used to the dimness, I saw a familiar, warm tunnel of vines, I walked along it till I reached a part that I unmistakably recognized. A carpet of grass grew on the floor and a small stream ran across the floor. There were many berries growing on a vine that entwined with the walls and roof, as well as cot-like things made of vines, I had slept on one of them a long time ago during my search for Widow. I then saw a hole in the wall of vines, the same whole I had exited the tunnel from so long ago.
But, then I saw something strange, a small paw print and then from there forward shoe prints. I got on the floor and, though it felt weird in human form, I smelled the paw print. It was Widow's. He had been in this tunnel recently. I felt like I was no longer alone. My throat tightened and I could hardly breathe I whirled around clumsily and saw an evil face and a eerie glowing, red eye. I felt a strange courage, forced myself to my feet and stood firmly in front of the face, I heard an evil laugh that chilled my bones, yet again, I felt courage flow through me. I stared at the face as if I was searching inside of it. I lifted my chin slightly and a vine strangled the face and went through it like smoke. I shuddered, dropped to the ground, and decided to drink from the stream, when I did I felt stronger and a tremor went through me.
A blue lightning filled the place, then disappeared as fast as it had come and a beautiful tree shot up through the roof of the tunnel. Then, I felt as if I was suddenly in a different dimension and was surrounded by blues and silvers. I was suspended in air my long hair floated and seamed to be like it was in water. Suddenly, I saw the most beautiful face that could exist, it was terrifying and comforting at the same time fierce and gentle at the same time, but all together perfect. It was the face of a man.
He smiled at me and said, in a voice like rushing water,"Don't worry, I am not here to harm you, you can trust me. You will leave this place soon."





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