Chapter 17 Trigger

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Snow's P.O.V.

After work, I made my way outside of the store, I ran my fingers through my hair causing me to wince as a wound pulled tight with the motion. Letting my hand fall to my side, I turned and began to walk back up the mountian to our home, it was nearing Spring so the snow was starting to melt, but it never truly went away. The trees were showing their green leaves as they began to sprout from the branches, deciding to go for a walk, I stepped off the path and into the forest. My feet crunched on all of the dead branches as I stepped into a clearing, there was a large oak tree that I realized with a jerk was my own.

I stepped forward and reached out to lightly touch the tree with three slender fingers, as they touched the bark a thin sheet of ice began to spread out in a beautiful design over the entire tree. It raced along, begining from where I touched the tree and circling around the branches making beautiful swirls and snowflakes imprinted on the bark. Soon the ice began to melt but still left its impressions on the bark leaving snowflakes and swirls that curved with grace and twirled in a delicate pattern that almost made the tree look like it was dancing.

I covered my mouth as a gasp escaped me and my eyes widened.
'Wow' I thought as I noticed that the leaves were imprinted on as well.
Letting a rare smile graze my face I tilted my head up to the sun and allowed its rays to warm my face as I stepped backwards and made my way back to the trail. When I stepped onto the trail I spotted Dusk heading up.
"Hey Snow," she said with a grin as she walked up beside me and we headed up the mountian. "Hey Dusk," I murmured as I touched my arm wondering if it would have the same imprint.

It did, pale, thin ice crawled along my arm with the swirls and twirls as it did on the tree. When it faded away it left a marking a touch darker than my skin, traveling up my arm and under my clothing and throughout all my body. A burning sensation appeared on my right collarbone cause me to let out a screech and yank down my shirt to show a circle appearing with icicles inside of it. My other ice marking on the other side of my collarbone disappeared as this one had a snowflake in the center and in the center of that snowflake was a snow leopard's face much like mine.

I looked at Dusk with wide eyes as she returned my gaze, "Come on we gotta show everyone else!" Dusk shouted and we took off up to our home.
When we reached the top Dusk let out a shout, "Hey! Everyone come outside!"
Soon we had our little, but growing, much to my distaste, group outside.
"Look what happened to Snow!" she said showing my collarbone cause me to let out a hiss.
"Go ahead and yank down my shirt for everyone to see Dusk!" I snarled, shoving her hands away from me, but she just gave me a glare.

"When did that happen?" Mountian asked, the most calm other than me in our group.
"I found my old nest and I touched the bark, thin ice began to make designs on the bark. When the ice melted it left imprints on the bark and leaves, much like what the markings on my skin," I said showing him my arms which he gripped firmly, but gently.
"What do you think it means?" I questioned softly, noticing how everyone was watching us, waiting for Mountians answer, as he shook his head.
"It means you are getting stronger Snow, come, everyone inside," he said, leading us inside.

"When they changed us they also altered our DNA, giving us human traits as well as you know, well they never knew that they gave us powers, they just appeared. There are four levels of the powers, most of you are at level one but the stronger you get the easier it will get for them to find us for the stronger we get the easier it is for them to track us by our powers. Snow has reached level two," Mountian explained watching me as if I would explode any second now.
I clenched my fist as I realized how much danger I had brough upon my freinds.

"So if they find us that means its my fault?" I questioned softly as the temperature in the room dropped a few degrees.
"How did I level up and they did not?" I questioned again.
"It will be nobodies fault and I'm not sure, I believe finding your nest was a trigger for you," Mountian spoke softly grabbed one of my clenched fists and slowly making it so that it was an open palm. "These things happen and we never know why, you don't blame the sky when the rain causes you to get sick, you don't blame the earth when a freind dies from a mudhole," Mountian murmured.

I nodded reluctantly and let out a sigh.
"What are we going to do now?" I asked wondering what our next plan was when Echo burst through the door panting.
"What's wrong Echo?" Dusk asked causing me to narrow my eyes at her feeling a bit suspicious, 'Just like she showed up after the battle, right after something big happens she just appears,' I thought but quickly shook off the thought. 'Echo would never betray us,' I thought as I awaited Echo's response. She was gasping for air and nodded to Hawk in thanks as he handed her a glass of water.

'Maybe,' I thought still feeling the suspision linger not quite ready to release me from it devious grasp, 'But your gut has never been wrong,' a little voice whispered in my head as Echo finally opened her mouth.
"I found out a warehouse of theirs, there are other shifters in there!" she said her eyes wide causing a gasp to escape my mouth as I thought of Ghost.
"Well then lets go free them! We can work on making a fortress later. Though I want to do it soon," Dusk shouted and we ran out of the house letting Echo lead us.
'I'm coming Ghost, I'm coming,' I thought as I pounded after Echo.





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