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"Hey Hopper." Troy said, watching the young girl hop out of the car.

"W-what are you doing here Troy?" El asked with an awkward chuckle

"Nothing, just waiting for my favorite girl to get home." Troy said before engulfing El in a hug, completed with a snide smirk over her shoulder directed at Mike standing behind her.

Gag me.
Mike thought.

"Wow Troy, showing up at her house in the ass crack of dusk? Pretty stalkerish on your part, huh Harrington?" Mike says with a grimace.

"Could say the same thing about you Wheeler, bringing home my girl at this hour?"

"Not your girl, and I am right here so you heathens can quit talking ab me in third person. Though I am serious what are you doing here Troy?"

"I just came by to see if you would want to go on that second date with me." Troy answered

"You know this is the sort of thing people text for, right?" El asked warily

"Oh no, I am fully aware, but I just figured I'd get to see that pretty face of yours in person if I came over."

Mike rolled his eyes.

"So how bout it Hopper, care for round 2?"

"Only if it isn't at the movies" El said with a grin.

"Duly noted. With that I will leave you two alone. See you around frog face." Troy said before shoulder checking Mike on the way to his car.

"Charming one you've got there." Mike joked to El

El could tell Troy was expecting her to giggle at his teasing remark towards Mike, but if anything, it made him all the more repulsive. Most of it having to do with the fact that she knows just how much Troy's bullying with that stupid nickname hurt Mike when they were younger. Much to her dismay, the relationship between the boys seems to have stayed the same.

"Come on." El said, reaching her hand out toward the tall boy.

"Thought you were tired?"

"Random burst of energy. Come on." El said before opening her front door and leading them to the kitchen.
"I want hot chocolate."

"Ahh just like your dad used to burn. Good times." Mike joked before leaning against the countertop

"How he ever managed to do that I'll never know." El laughed as her phone buzzed.
"Speaking of. He says he's got the late shift tonight and to just order in."

"So, will we be doing pizza two nights in a row then? Or are we feeling sushi?" Mike asked while stirring the hot chocolate

"Uhh 'we' is a big word Wheeler, I didn't realize you would be joining my big family dinner."

"You're the one who invited me in."

"Yea for hot chocolate genius. Not your evening meal."

"Oh c'mon can't I just eat dinner here. Its 'anything-from-the-fridge-night at my house tonight. And if I die on malnutrition it'll be on your conscience and I just don't want that for you because that will be really embarrassing at my funeral."

"And you say I'm overdramatic. Fine you can stay, but you're buying." El said with a grin

"Done. Now as much as I love your La-Z-Boy sofa, can we just eat in your room?"

"Yea sure. My phone needs to charge anyway." El said before trotting up the stairs, leaving Mike behind to carry the boiling hot chocolates up the staircase.

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