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El woke up on a fine Saturday morning ready to walk into a day of work.

As she walked into the music shop, she was greeted by her blue eyed best friend.

"Well hey there hopper, how's your weekend been so far?" Max asked.

"Well today will answer that question. How bout you?"

"Pretty good. But seriously how do you get your hair to look so silky?" Max asked with detective eyes


"Seriously and your lashes are so curled and nice, ugh I wish." Max said. Only earning an even deeper confused look from her best friend.

"What do you want?" El asked.

She only ever compliments my lashes when she wants something.

"What could I have done to give you such an impression?" Max asked, holding a hand over her chest.

"You know what dumbass. Come on, out with it what do you want?"

"Would you be able to cover my shift tonight? Lucas asked me out to dinner tonight and I need hella time to get ready and look my best and next weekend is an away game for him so if we can't get this weekend then we'd have to wait 2 weeks for him to be free and I really really wanna go I-"

"Yes. I will cover for you. You had me at 'date with Lucas'." El said with a grin

"I love you." Max said before suffocating El in a tight embrace.

"You better. Alright so real talk, where is he gonna take you?"

"I don't know. I told him if you could cover me then I'd be free for tonight. Then he told me that we'd be going out to dinner and I asked where and he told me it was a surprise." Max explained.

"Ugh I hate it when they say that. Then you don't know how the fuck to dress."

"THAT'S MY PROBLEM. Hence the extra hours I need to come up with a neutral yet absolute jaw dropping fit."

"Understandable. Normally I would wish you luck but seeing the chemistry between you two, I know you won't need it."

"Damn straight I won't. How bout you? Any people catching your eye lately?"

"Nope. Happily single, as if there's any other form of single"

"Well I heard that Troy was planning on asking you out."

"Oh he already did, and I declined."

"Why?" Max asked with a smirk.

"Because I'm not really one to go out with a guy I hardly know."

"Well how do you plan to get to know him if you don't go out with him."

"Your logic is flawless but I don't know it just feels wrong."

"I think you should go out with him. I'm not saying give it up for him or anything but there's no harm in going out at least once. Who knows maybe you'll actually like the guy, and if not at least you get a free meal."

"Hm. I'll sleep on it."


El came home from an extra-long day of work only to see that the Wheeler household no farther than 10 yards apart, was bursting at the seams with teenager and loud music.

A fucking party.

An angry El stomped inside her home to find the house empty with a note from her dad stating the usual on a Saturday night.
He's got the night shift.

El took a quick shower and slipped into one of her favorite blush nighties and crawled into her queen sized bed.

About an hour went by, all 60 minutes consisting of no sleep and only tossing and turning.

"Ugh!" El groaned frustratingly in the darkness of her room.
It was after one in the morning and the bombardment of party noises coming from next door wouldn't relent. The pillow brought up to both of El's ears hadn't helped. Telling Max to text Mike hadn't helped. Calling her dad to file a complaint an hour ago hadn't helped.
If it wasn't the loud music or the constant arrival and departure of muscle cars with their sorry exhaust systems, then it was the shouting and laughing coming from Mike's yard.

Throwing the covers off her legs with a grunt, El stormed out of bed and stood at the French doors of her windows. The Wheeler household was entirely lit up and bustling with noise and activity. Some people stumbled around the front yard, which was littered with red Solo cups, and some gathered in the backyard either smoking or enjoying the infamous swimming pool.

It was an understatement to say El was in a pissy mood, but when El hasn't gotten her sleep, its pissy x1000.

El slipped on a hoodie and her UGG boots and made sure to tuck in her necklace before stomping over to her neighbor's rowdy home. She had been planning to just slip inside simply and ask as nicely as possible to turn the music down a bit just so she could get some sleep. Simple. Right?

The young brunette wandered into the testosterone filled house with determined eyes to find a certain raven haired asshat.

She found him. With a drink is his left hand and his right around a tipsy blonde with hungry eyes.

"I need to talk to you." El asked, ignoring his company who was practically licking his jaw.

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