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El had been pacing around her room for the past half hour awaiting her best friend's arrival. If she needed Max's opinion on what she was wearing on a date, then she 100% needed her opinion on an internship that may make or break her future. Is that dramatic? Probably.
But who cares.

El practically flew down the stairs as she heard a car pull up her driveway. A word barely came out of Max's mouth before El shoved her inside the house.

"OKAY, I'm here now what's with the SOS text and the manhandling me inside?" Max asked

"OKAY SO, you know how I've been waiting for that internship that could literally shape my entire future into not being my dream but an actual reality?" El asked rhetorically with wide eyes
"Well as it turns out my dream university has idiots who file paperwork because my internship application got mixed up and ended up, not in the music program's mailbox, but the mailbox for the fucking art program. Now normally I wouldn't be so upset since it was just a mishap and mishaps are fixable, but Mr. Jensen called the university and they said that someone already filled the fucking internship spot in the music program!" El said, barely taking a breath.

"Well just take the art program internship, you can always visit the music portion of the campus on your breaks." Max suggested.

"Yea you know I thought I could do that too, but then since I got the exact same GPA and recommendations as another student who, unlike me, purposefully signed up for the art internship, if I do take the position then I'm practically attached at the hip with this other student." El explained, leaving out one specific, tiny detail.

"So, it's still a position at your dream school and you get a new friend. I'm not really seeing the downside here." Max said, puzzled.

"Oh! You wanted to know the downside?! Oh of course, no I was under the impression that you just wanted to hear me rant in this tone over my dream school accepting my internship!" El said ironically.

"I'm still so confused as to why you're so upset. Do you really wanna waste time being sarcastic?"

"NOOOO." El said sarcastically.

"I'm this close to boob-punching you it's not even funny" Max said, holding up her fingers that were less than an inch apart.

"The downside, Max, is that the student that I'm attached to the hip with, the student that I'm gonna be spending all my time with is fucking Mike Wheeler."

Max was silent.

"I'll bet you're missing my sarcasm now aren't ya?" El joked.
After a few minutes of dead silence, Max came up with an idea.
"What about a pros and cons list? And before you give me that face, like it's a dumb idea, I will rebut and say that this method has helped us in literally every situation so hush."

"Fine." El sighed.

"Alright let's start with the pros: a position at your dream school." Max said, to get the ball rolling.
"Umm, I get to explore two portions of the school now, I guess." El continued.

"Good, good." Max said, writing the items down.
"You'll get to learn all about art, I know that it wasn't your choice, but you have like 20 art books in here."

"Well since I was not blessed with the gift of artistry I can only settle with reading about it. For the love of god I can barely draw a flower without it looking like a 4 year old drew it."

"Oh I know, it was a big mistake to ask you to come to that painting class with me. Your landscape literally looked like the bottom of an empty teacup."

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