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"So first we'll start with Party City, then Spirit Halloween, and then Halloween City. I will be livid if we go to three different Halloween stores and come home empty handed." Max said to her best friend in her Honda Civic on the way to their first destination in search for their Halloween costumes.

"So we're still doing the devil and angel huh?" El questioned from the passenger seat.

"Why not? It's perfect for us."

"Oh no, I'm just wondering what you plan on revealing for Lucas, little miss devil." El teased playfully.

"Just enough. The actual devil would be pleased."

"I'll bet the gods won't be" El joked, receiving a playful shove form the redhead as they pulled into the driveway of Party City.

El and Max both came out of the dressing room to see that their costumes looked terrible.

Both girls began laughing at the sight of their own costumes. Max's devil looked like you had a red t-shirt with an old red tutu that belongs on an 8 year old.
While El's angel costume looked like an old beige nightgown with pipe cleaners for wings.

"I think it's safe to rule out Party City." Max said, as the girls both went back in the dressing room to change back.

Onto their second destination, Spirit Halloween.

"So have you decided on that internship?" Max said, browsing through the several red devil costumes.

"You know, I think I have." El said with a smile
"I think I'm gonna take it."

"I WAS HOPING YOU'D SAY THAT AHH!" Max screamed to her best friend, engulfing her in a hug.

"Yea, you were right. He-who-must-not-be-named does not get to ruin yet another aspect of my life. And plus I know he hates the idea of me saying yes, so if saying yes pisses him off then, win-win." El explained.

"Honestly, me being me, I probably would've said yes JUST to spite him." Max said with a careless shrug

"The devil would be proud." El laughed.

"Okay, this ones looks super cute and mildly sexy so I'm trying it on." Max said shamelessly making her way into the dressing rooms.

El wandered around the mask section. She giggled at the overhead horse mask.
As El placed the mask over her head, she noticed how difficult it was to see out of it.

Do I have to be an actual horse to develop eyesight in this thing?

"EL!" someone yelled, startling El to the point that she flinched right into the pole that she wasn't aware, was right in front of her.

"OW!" El said, finally taking the ridiculous thing off of her head to see what poor soul witnessed her in it.

Karen Wheeler.

"Karen. Hi." El laughed nervously

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry I startled you. But if it's any consolation, the horse mask did bring out your eyes." Karen joked, resulting in a laugh from El.

"Ah well, unfortunately the costume I am looking for, they don't have." El said.

"Well what costume is it? Maybe I can help?"

"It's an angel costume. Max is in the dressing room right now trying on a devil costume. But the angel costumes here and at Party City just look like one of my grandmas old robes." El laughed.

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