first date

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Mike woke up thinking he was still in a dream. Minding the headache, he couldn't take his eyes off the brunette in his arms, sleeping soundly.

He couldn't take his eyes off her. Although he hated his behavior last night, he loathes that she was there to witness it. He was an ass last night and it's a miracle she even agreed to stay the night with him.

He loved feeling her soft exhales on his chest as he stared at her fingertips laid out on his chest

"How long are you gonna watch me sleep for?" El smirked with her eyes slowly drifting open.

"Who says I was watching you?" Mike replied

"Oh right yes, how could I forget that little dancing ghost that appears on my nose when I sleep. You must've been looking at her."

"Nah I was looking at your strawberry."

"My what?" El laughed

"Your strawberry. You have a freckle cluster right there," He poked the side of her nose
"it looks like a tiny strawberry." He smiled

"Ok I haven't even noticed that, how is it that you have?" El said

"I have drawn you more times than I could count, you really think I don't know your face like the back of my hand by now?"

El placed her head back onto Mike's chest.
"Do you remember last night?"

Mike shut his eyes as he tightened his arms around her.

El's heart sank.
Mike could practically feel it as he immediately back tracked and sat up

"Not unfortunately all of last night, but unfortunately some of last night."

"So, you remember the entire night then?" El said, sitting up alongside him.

"Yea. And when I say "unfortunately" I mean the part of the night where I was drinking to oblivion and you were there to see it. That and me screaming at you. I'm really sorry, El."

"it's okay." El shrugged.

"No. It isn't. You didn't deserve any of it. Not just last night but my behavior towards you for the last 4 years."

"Well, I've got you're caramel macchiatos making up for it. You know that." El laughed
"And uh, what about the other half of the night?"

"The only part of the night I'll never be sorry for. And I know that probably makes me the most selfish fucker on planet earth, but I don't care. I like you, El. Like a lot. So much it freaks me the fuck out, even when we were little. And I know that this is probably the worst time to ever tell you this not only because of my awful attitude last night but because of the whole situation with Troy. Which, since I'm being honest, makes me wanna shoot myself in the foot every time I think about you two together. But if you aren't into me like that I understand and I really can't blame you after the shit I put you through so-"

El cut him off in the best way possible.

Pressing her lips against his.

He remembered how soft her pillowy lips felt when pressed against his, but now it was in his right state of mind, and of her own free will.

Mike took a second to come to his senses and placing her cheeks in the palms of his hands as he deepened the kiss. Mike wasn't sure he had the strength to pull away from her even if he wanted to, and it wasn't until a small whimper came from her that he realized you could not remove her from his arms even if you pried them open.

El loved the feeling of his lips on hers, more than she'd like to admit. She shifted her body to lay underneath him while pulling him on top of her. Mike moved one of his hands into a smooth grip in her hair while using the other to support his weight over her. El slid her forearms to rest on his shoulders while feeling his black curls slip between her fingers. Right when El brought up her legs to cage in his waist, Mike pulled back.

"You don't know how bad I want this to neve end, but I need to know what's going on in that pretty little head of yours." Mike sighed, resting his forehead onto hers.

El indulged in their position for a little longer before pressing a quick peck onto Mike's nose and sitting up.

"I really like you, Mike. And I'm sorry for being all misleading with Troy but I really am into you. Though Max is probably gonna smack me for not letting you grovel for another year, I don't care.

It took everything in Mike to not jump her with kisses all over her freckled nose and tan cheeks

"Go out with me." Mike said instead

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