the fair

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Friday was a busy day for El.

After school was the usual internship but instead of winding down with her best friend with a TV filled with the Bachelorette waiting for her when she got home, she had to go home to get ready to be a third wheel with her best friend and her boyfriend.

It was gonna be eventful that's for sure.

"ELLAAAAAA" Max sing-songed as she strolled into the Hopper household.

"UPSTAIRSSS" El replied, hearing the redhead make her way up the stairs.

"Alright are you ready for the best night ever?" Max asked excitedly.

"Oh you mean am I ready for my first date as a third wheel? Ready as I'll ever be."

"Ok no. It is just 3 friends who are hanging out. Only 2 of the friends make out sometimes."

"Ahh yes speaking of, I bought this new strawberry chaptstick I think you'll like it." El joked with a wink.

"Tempting but seriously we're gonna have fun."

"Ugh fine. Whose car are we taking? Mine or yours?" El asked, tying her Reeboks.

"Well my car is in the shop and I rode my bike here so yours." Max answered.

Max wore a white fitted Dig Dug t shirt covered by a green army jacket with dark skinny jeans and brown combat boots.

El wore a black fitted longsleeve V-neck bodysuit accompanied by a blue floral skirt with her favorite white Reeboks.

As the duo climbed into the Bronco, it was pretty much routine that Max's phone be connected to blast music.

"Any requests?" Max asked.

"Aeroplane by Greer please." El answered.

As the two continued to enjoy the music, El pulled into the parking lot of the amusement park.

"So I take it Lucas is meeting us here?" El asked as she parked the car.

"Yea he's here actually. He said he's by the Elephant Ear stand." Max said.

"Oh I like his style." El replied.

As the two girls paid for their tickets the both made their way towards the Elephant Ear stand, where they spotted the redheads new beau.

"Hey gorgeous." Lucas said, greeting Max with a kiss to her temple.
"Sup' Hopper. I hear you like elephant ears." Lucas said, greeting El.

"You heard correctly. You buy one yet?" El asked

"Better I bought two, one for you two, one for us two. He's paying for them now." Lucas answered.


"Hey Luke, did you want extra sugar on both of em?" A voice said from behind the group.

A voice belonging to Mike Wheeler.


El froze.

"Hey Mike, could you grab us that picnic table over there? We just need a second." Max asked before gripping both El and Lucas by the elbows.

As Mike turned around the save the picnic table, Max confronted Lucas with El to her left.

"Hey, what is he doing here?" Max asked

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