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It was 9pm when Troy had arrived at the Hopper residence

"Well I had fun tonight, Hopper. Forgive me for sounding like every guy known to man, but we should do this again sometime." Troy said as he shifted the gear into park.

"Yea I had fun. Thanks for taking me out. And so long as I get to pick the next destination then yes I would like to go on a second." El said with a smile as she grabbed her purse from the car floor.

"Why? You didn't like the movies?" Troy asked

"I didn't say that. But you did definitely live up to the football star cliché when you tried to reach for my hand in the popcorn. And that warrants a new destination pick." El answered

"Fair enough. Till next time Hopper. I'll text you later tonight." Troy said with a smirk

"What, to give me nightmares?"

"Yup. Exciting ones." Troy answered

"Well now I know who did it if I end up murdered in the middle of the night." El said before opening the truck door without another word.

El strolled up her porch; fishing her keys out of her purse and unlocking the door.

"FINALLY." a voice yelled, startling El into dropping her purse while clutching her chest

"FUCK MAX. What did I say about watching tv here in pitch black darkness!" El said, frustrated.

"Your dad was here but he had to go to work, and I wanted to be on standby in case you needed the fake-emergency-call." Max explained.

The infamous fake-emergency-call was Max and El's infamous way of getting out of a bad date without seeming rude. If needed, one would text the other: FEC. The receiver would then call, in hysterics, frantically needing the other to come over right away.

It was very effective.

"Well, I'm alive and I didn't need the call so I'm pretty sure that's a good sign." El said

"Alright, then come here," Max said, patting the spot on the sofa next to her.
"I wanna hear all about it"

El proceeded to place her purse on the counter and take the seat next to her best friend.
"It was ok." She said with a tight-lipped smile.

Max blinked.

"That's it?"

"I don't know, we went to the movies and walked around a bit. How else would you describe it?"

"Well, first off, you hate movie dates."

"Yea because you can't really talk during them but what was I gonna do tell him that? It was a first date."

"Even so, you're not really as ecstatic as one usually is when a date goes well with someone you like."

"That's the thing, I don't really know if I even like him."

"Does that mean you're not gonna go on a second one?" Max asked, warily.

"I already agreed to a second one." El answered.

"But you don't like him."

"Doesn't mean I wont ever. Also, it was a first date, does anyone really know if you're attracted to someone after one date. Plus, the date wasn't terrible."

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