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Monday morning rolled around and so did El's confidence. It was today that she would march into her principals office and accept the internship.
Her internship.

It was a soft knock heard from the inside of the principals office.

"Come in." Principal Jensen answered as the short haired brunette strolled in.
"Ms. Hopper what I pleasant surprise. What can I do for you?"

"Hi Principal Jensen, I was hoping I could get that internship schedule from you?"

"I assume that means you've taken my advice." Jensen said with a smile.

"Yes. My future is my top priority at the moment."

"Glad to hear that. Mr. Wheeler emailed me last night saying he accepted the internship as well. So I'll just call my assistant for him now." Jensen said, pushing buttons on the dial pad of the telephone.

"Oh no that's not really necessary-" El interjected

"No it's no problem. Plus it will be easier to discuss both of your schedules with both of you present. Hi Sue, would you please send Michael Wheeler to my office? Thank you."
Jensen answered, half toward his company and half into the phone.

El had been striving off her confidence since the Halloween party, but seeing Mike again wasn't really on her to-do list.

I already know he's gonna give me shit for the whole party thing

I'm not gonna let him

Karen loves me. Literally the only Wheeler affection I need.

Part of me wishes I could've been there for him during the whole Ted thing. I would've been there for both of them.
I just cant stop wondering why he pushed me away. Wouldn't he have wanted me to be there for him?
Usually when someone leaves your life, you try to keep those closest to you, even closer.
At least that's what I tried to do.
Maybe he was planning on cutting me off anyway and this was an easier out.
Ugh no let me not make his father leaving, about me.
Let me just shut up and I'll ask max later
Solid plan

A knock on the door interrupted her train of thought.

"Mr. Wheeler please come in."

Mike walked in and his face somehow managed to get even more expressionless when his gaze landed on El.

"Have a seat. I hope you both had a great weekend." Jensen said to both students.

Both of them side eyed each other

"Well, I am pleased to hear that both of you have accepted the internship. According to the schedule sent from Wabash, both of you will attend the university three times a week after school, Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 2:00- 5:30. School as you know ends at 2:20 but you will be excused from your classes early on those three days. You both will start on November 5 which is a Monday. Here are printouts for you and your parents. When you get to the university you both need to go straight to student relations and there you should find your maps, parking decals and all that good stuff waiting for you. Any questions?" Jensen summed up.
Both Mike and El shook their heads.

"All right then. I'm so excited to see where this journey takes you. Well first period seems to be over in about 15 minutes so I'll just send both of you to study hall in the library until the bell sounds. Have a great rest of your day you two." Jensen said with a smile, leading them both out of his office.

To say it was dead silent when the two entered the empty hallway would be an understatement.

"Been to any bad parties lately?" El said, in attempt to break the silence.

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