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The pair drove in Mike's car to get to Benny's. And as the unofficial law states, the passenger controls the radio.
As usual, El started off the drive with a classic Greer song, "Understand."

"You saw they came out with new merch?" Mike asked.

"Of course. I was kind of annoyed though because the limited-edition shirt comes with the limited-edition poster, but the shirt isn't the shirt I wanted to I bought both." El rambled with a smile.

"So you're out $100 then?" Mike joked.

"Only $50, and that's actually not the most I've ever spent on merch."

"Well you know they're going on tour, right?"

"Don't remind me." El said, with a slight frown.

"So, are we just spending $50 on things we hate now?" Mike asked with a grin

"No, you dumbass, I was ecstatic to see that they're on tour but the closest they're coming here is all the way in buttfuck Chicago next month."

"That's not that far. It's what 5 hours? Figured it was worth it for you."

"Of course, it's worth it. But my dad said no when I asked if I could go on the road trip with Max because there'd be no parental supervision and then I asked if he could come and he said he can't miss work for that long." El said, shaking her head.

"Well I'm sure there will be a live stream online somewhere."

"Yea but that doesn't give me the option to try and rip off Josiah's beanie now does it?" El said as Mike pulled into the parking lot at Benny's.

The two strolled through the front door when a familiar face saw them.
"No way."

El and Mike turned their attention toward the voice to see Benny himself smiling at the two of them.

"My time machine works! I never thought I'd ever see you both here again" Benny said, making his was around the counter to shove both teens into a hug.

"Hey Benny, how've you been?" Mike asked.

"Wasn't doing that great because some kids started a miniature food fight in their booth and didn't bother to clean up after themselves, BUT I am so much better now." Benny said, leading the pair into the booth nearest the jukebox.

El scooted into her side of the booth as Mike mirrored her actions across from her.

"So, how's your mom?" El asked, genuinely curious

"Other than still giving me the death glare for kicking you out? Pretty good." Mike answered

"Rightfully so."

"Absolutely. So, I hear Max and Lucas are like an official thing now? How long has that been going on?" Mike asked.

"Well she's had a crush on him since I met her, she told me once that if I tried to go for him that she'd boob punch me. We've been best friends ever since." El said as a familiar waitress came to take their order.

"I didn't think I'd ever see you two here at the same time here again! Now Benny owes me $20." The waitress Leslei said.

"We haven't seen you in a while either Leslei, how have you been?" Mike asked.

"Well if you bothered to come out of your hidey-hole Wheeler, you'd know that I just got engaged last week."

"Alex finally came to his senses!!" El exclaimed as she jumped up from her seat to circle the waitress in a tight embrace.

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