paint you again

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El walked into her room and before she could flop on her bed in an exhausted fashion, a light tapping noise caught her attention.

It didn't take long before she noticed it was coming from her window. She opened the French doors to see Mike across her room standing in his own.

"How was the date with the cheater?" Mike asked with a smile

"Oh, great actually, I'm actually pregnant right now." El said sarcastically.

Mike climbed out of his window and scaled down his house only to start climbing up El's.

"Mike I was kidding!" El whisper yelled as he reached the edge of her window.

"That joke sucked. But also talking 10 feet away is an inconvenience." Mike said as he pulled his lanky leg into her room.

"You're aware of the century we're in, right? Phone calls are a thing." El said

"Superfluous. I would've just climbed over while we were on the phone anyway."

"And I'd have no choice but to let you in apparently. I could just yell for my dad you know. He would drag your scrawny ass right back out the window." El informed with a smile.

"You're absolutely right. But you'd only do that if you wanted me to leave." Mike said before climbing into El's bed and bundling himself into her vanilla scented covers.

"Comfortable?" El asked, sitting criss cross next to him

I would be if I was holding you

"Just about. So how was the date. Seriously." Mike asked.

"It was ok. I confronted him about Staci."

"This better end with: 'and you were so right Mike, you are superior, and I will love you till the end of time.'"

"Well as it turns out, he was just comforting Staci because their parents are good friends and hers are going through a divorce. He was just being a good friend." El ignored.

"Please tell me you're not buying that bullshit, Ella." Mike said with tight eyes.

"I have no reason not to believe it." El reasoned

"Nononono yes you most certainly do. It's me. I'm the reason you shouldn't believe that spew of crap." Mike said

"Mike, I get that you don't trust him, but don't you trust me? I'm not gonna get involved with him if I really thought anything was going on. Can we just move past it?" El pleaded

Mike heaved a heavy sigh before agreeing
"Fine. Anything else interesting happen on your night out?"

"As a matter of fact, yes!" El said, scooting closer to him
"I saw Mr. Templeman at the same restaurant."

"Wait didn't he have a date? I mean he spared no breath rubbing it in Ms. Hutton's face."

"That's just it; there was no date. He was eating alone, but it didn't seem like he was stood up. And then his phone rang, and it was Ms. Hutton. It seemed like he was waiting for her call and he looked pretty happy when it rang." El finished.

"Can they just date already? It's clear he only bragged about his date with Ms. Hutton just to make her jealous." Mike said

"Really? How can you tell?"

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