Chapter Seven

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*Nick's POV*
I stared out of the window as Coach drove us all to New Orleans, I had hoped that nothing would get in the way of us getting there, but I shouldn't hope too much. It can be ruined easily.

After about an hour, we did eventually stop. I looked to see a bridge. Up, we couldn't get across until the bridge was lowered. I groaned in frustration. We all got out of the car and stared at the bridge.

"Dear lord, why did I ever leave Savannah" Coach said, pinching the bridge of his nose. Then Ellis attempted to tell a story of Keith, something about a bridge like this. Coach and Rochelle didn't tell him "now isn't the time" for once. Then suddenly another Woman's voice was heard. We looked up to the bridge to see a brown haired woman, she looked as if she was maybe in her early twenties, pink zip up jacket, white T-shirt and black jeans. She held a sniper rifle and waved at us.

We all waved back, Rochelle sighing in relief. "Oh thank god! I thought I was the last woman on earth" she said, her hand over her chest in a Relieved way. "Yeah I know that feeling" the girl said. "Hey, can you let the bridge down for us?" I asked, she shook her head. "I'm sorry I can't! We got wounded up here!" She yelled back, I sighed in frustration. "Nice car dude!" She said, talking to Ellis. He didn't say a word. A feeling of Jealousy hit, making me more annoyed. He stared at her, not knowing what to say.

"Ellis are you gonna answer her?" Rochelle asked, Then Coach and Rochelle began to call to him, he just stared. I rolled my eyes and went and stood behind the car, waiting for the group. Ellie was asleep in the car, I had hoped she'd rest a little longer so she'd be awake and energized until we get somewhere safe or some where good enough for us to sleep. Ellis came back to me, with a smile. Well there's my reason for knowing he isn't gay. He probably likes that girl on the bridge. I sighed again and he smiled as he walked up to me.

"We gotta go to the other side and fill up the generator, to lower the bridge" he said. I just nodded and walked past him to get Ellie and our things out of the car.

*Ellis' POV*
Nick seemed angry, I don't know why though. He was fine a couple of hours ago. I shrugged and grabbed my things and we got ready to leave. I was sad we had to leave the car, but we'd come back for it. We walked and Nick wasn't as talkative with me as he usually would be. Ellie was walking with Rochelle, talking to her and looking at this City.

I tried walking with Nick, but he was quiet. Which was odd because he was fine a few hours ago. I sighed and just walked behind the group, hearing them talk but I kept to myself for a short while.
That Zoey girl was nice and all, and I know Rochelle and Coach think I like her, but I don't. Nick is the one that I like. I was just at a loss for words because I'm exhausted and she is pretty. But I wouldn't like her, I'm not straight or into girls.

Rochelle noticed my quietness and how I was walking behind the group when I'm normally with them or in front. "Ellis honey are you okay?" She asked, I just nodded. She looked at me weirdly before continuing to walk with Ellie and Coach. Nick turned around and sighed then fell back and began walking beside me, it was awkwardly quiet at first but then he spoke up.

"What's wrong sport? You're usually talkative and with the group, but right now you're being quiet and walking behind." He said I sighed. "Are you angry with me Nick? Because you normally are talkative with me but right now it feels like you're angry with me" I replied. He sighed. "I'm not angry Ellis. I don't mean to make you feel that way it's just...never mind. Forget it, but I'm not angry with you, I'm sorry" he said.

"What is it Nick? You can tell me." I said, he sighed. "I'll tell you later when we have the time to talk alone" he replied. I nodded in agreement and we continued walking.

We made it to some building. We split up, Coach and me went into a building that was empty due to renovations? Or some sort of construction work type.

I saw a Zombie walking towards me, it saw me and Ran. I chased after it and killed it, because it had a health kit, a Molotov and pain pills on it. I picked up the health kit when something strong wrapped around my torso and chest and legs. It pulled me back and tightened, I screamed for help as it was getting harder and harder to breathe.

"Smokers got me!! Shoot the tongue, Shoot the tongue!!" I yelled, hoping someone would hear me. Coach came running out and shot the smoked, Soon Nick, Ellie and Rochelle joined. Nick and Ellie's expression showed they were both worried.

Ellie came running over to me, tears in her eyes and she hugged me. Not too tight but tight enough to show she was worried but relieved to know I was okay. I hugged back, catching my breath from my body being squeezed tight.

"I'm fine hun" I said, she sniffled and I could tell she was crying. "Look sweetie. I'm right here, I'm okay. I ain't going no where I promise you that. Now wipe them tears of your pretty face and let's continue on yeah?" She sniffed and nodded, wiping the tears away and giving me a small smile. I pinched her cheeks with a smile and stood up. Nick stood there with a smile on his face, watching as Ellie was happily relieved that I was okay. She stayed by Nick and I's side after that. She walked in the middle of Nick and I, Nick on her left and me on her right.

She held both of our hands as we swung her, as we walked. After a few hours of walking we made it to a safe house, there were about Five Sleeping bags as well. Everyone laid down and soon went to sleep.

Ellie was asleep by where Nick and I would lay. But he has first watch, I decided now is the best time for him and I to talk in private.

"Ey Nick, you reckon we can have that conversation now?" He nodded and we stood outside of the safe room door. Leaving it open a cracked bit, just in case.

"So what was botherin' you today?" I asked, he sighed and I was nervous for how this conversation would be. "The reason why I was so upset earlier today, is because when we met those people on the bridge, you seemed interested in that girl." He said. I was about to speak when he put his hand up and he continued talking.

"I like you Ellis. More then a friend. Actually, scratch that. I think I'm in love with you. And I don't know if you're gay, let alone if you feel the same way for me but, that is the reason why I got upset today. Because after seeing how you looked at the girl on the bridge and how you had this big smile on your face after meeting her, I felt that I had no chance with you. I do like you Ellis. But I understand if you don't feel the same." He said, sounding a little sad at the end. I smiled, feeling my cheeks heat up and he looked at me and his expression was just confusion.

"Nick, I gotta be honest with you. I like you too. I haven't shown it towards you though because I didn't know if You were gay, I didn't even know if you would go for someone like me! But the reason I had seemed the way I did with the girl on the bridge is because I was exhausted, I zoned out while she was speaking I didn't even know I was staring at her until you walked away. I smiled because she was kind, she is pretty, but she's not the one I'm interested in. You are the one I'm interested in Nick" I replied, he smiled and chuckled a little.

"So what happens now?" He asked, I smiled. "Nick, Will you be my boyfriend?" I asked, feeling confident in this question. It's only been a couple days, but it feels like I've known Nick longer then just a couple of days. He smiled and kissed me passionately, I was surprised at first but kissed back with just as much passion.

"Yes. I would love to be your boyfriend" he said with a smile, I hugged him, sighing in content.

A/N:Hey y'all! Sorry I haven't been updating, I've been too busy, I haven't had time to update. But finally, here is another chapter! I'm trying my best to update as much as possible for the ones that love this story, but most days I just don't have the time or even the energy to write! So please bare with me while I update when I can! But I do hope you're liking this so far, I love writing it!

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